The postdoctoral fellow/PhD student will work in a multidisciplinary team investigating the oncological mechanisms behind head and neck cancer using cutting-edge CRISPR technologies like gene-knock-out, base editing etc. The project also involves developing HPV/EBV positive and negative mouse models to study tumor suppressors and oncogenes. The project will be carried out in Loganathan’s lab in the Department of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, McGill University. The lab is based at the Cancer research program of the Research Institute of the McGill University health Centre. For postdoctoral position, priority will be given to applicants who are within the first two years of completing their PhD. This position will initially be for 1 year, and based on performance, can be expended for additional years. For PhD position, priority will be given to candidates with research experience and appropriate scientific background. Candidates can enter the PhD program through Department of Experimental Medicine or Department of Experimental Surgery or Interdisciplinary PhD program in Oncology.
- PhD in genetics, biochemistry, or related field(s) for post-doctoral applicants
- Bachelors or Master’s degree in life sciences for PhD applicants
- Strong background in cancer or genetics with expertise in in vivo and in vitro research techniques, immunohistochemistry, and animal models is a plus
- Standard techniques to study DNA, RNA, and protein, and their analyses
HOW TO APPLY? Interested applicants should send their cover letter in the email thread and rest of the application material as one single .pdf file to Dr. Sampath Loganathan (sampath.loganathan@mcgill.ca) with following information:
- The subject of the email should be “Postdoc/PhD application in HNSCC”
- CV
- Publication List
- One page Research Summary