
CSMB provides support to (1) graduate student activities and (2) provides travel awards for those trainees attending the CSMB annual conference.

The CSMB works to build the next generation of researchers for academia, industry and the entrepreneurial enterprise.

CSMB Trainee Seminar Series

View the trainee seminars on the CSMB YouTube: 

CSMB support for graduate student activities

Two deadlines per year:

February 15 – for activities spanning March 15 of that year to March 14 of the next year


October 15 – for activities spanning November 15 of that year to November 14 of the next year.

The CSMB will provide financial support to graduate student groups and societies representing trainees in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology or genetics for a variety of activities. CSMB will also support student-related activities, such as workshops, that are part of larger conferences or meetings. Examples of supported activities include (but are not restricted to) the following:

Scientific Symposium Days, with invited scientists speaking on subjects in the areas of biochemistry, molecular biology or cell biology.

Student Research Conferences, where students display their research work as posters, or give oral presentations.

Career Fairs or Career Workshops in areas related to biochemistry, molecular biology or cell biology.

  • The society will support to a maximum of $1000 per event, on a competitive basis.
  • The application consists of a form and a sponsor letter. Details are on the application page



Preference will be given to student groups who have not been funded in the last year.

Successful applications will be asked to provide a “summary of activities” upon completion of the proposed activity. Details will be provided upon notification of award.

View list of supported activities in past competitions

CSMB Trainee Travel Awards

This bursary fund is designed to encourage student & postdoctoral fellow participation in the annual meeting, by assisting to defray the cost of attending these meetings at distant locations. The awards, valued at $100 – $1000 depending on distance travelled, will be offered to attend the annual meeting. The awardee’s supervisor and awardee must be members of CSMB. Here is information on how to join CSMB. If you register for the CSMB annual meeting, you will be considered for these awards. The student or postdoctoral fellow must be the first author of an abstract submitted for presentation at the annual meeting. Travel bursaries will be presented to the respective winners at the conference banquet.

View list of travel award winners