CSMB Arthur Wynne Gold Medal

Awarded every two years – Next awarded in 2026

The Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) Arthur Wynne Gold Medal is presented by the CSMB to an individual who has made a major contribution to molecular biosciences in Canada over their career. The Medal is named in honor of Professor Arthur M. Wynne, the first President of the Society, and was initiated in 2007 to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of CSMB. The recipient is presented with a plaque depicting the likeness of Professor Wynne.

Arthur Wynne obtained his B.A. and M.A. in Biochemistry from Queen’s and completed his Ph.D. on bacterial metabolism in 1925 with Professor H.B. Speakman, Head of Zymology at the University of Toronto. Dr. Wynne was appointed Assistant Professor in 1929 when Zymology and Biochemistry merged, with Hardolph Wasteneys as Chair (1929-1951). Arthur Wynne was the first President of the Canadian Biochemical Society, now the Canadian Society of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSBMCB). The CSBMCB celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2007 and created the Arthur Wynne Gold Medal to be awarded to scientists who have made outstanding contributions to biochemistry, molecular and cell biology in Canada over their careers.

(1) Evaluation criteria

Note that evaluation criteria for all CSMB awards are informed and updated according to best practices and in alignment with Canadian tri-council (NSERC, SSHRC & CIHR) standards. CSMB also supports the following statement (https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/51732.html) and the DORA principles.

The quality and impact of research cannot be measured through journal publications alone. Research results and outcomes are multifaceted, can reflectmultiple types of knowledge and ways of knowing and must be assessed on their own merit. High-quality research outcomes are achieved in many ways, including but not limited to: publishing research articles; reporting new knowledge (such as presenting at conferences and other venues); developing new technologies, producing software and intellectual property; sharing data; contributing to policy decisions; producing highly trained personnel and working in partnership with various sectors of society. Increasingly, funding agencies, research institutions, First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities, citizens and patients, and researchers themselves, agree on the importance of including a broader set of research outcomes and adopting assessment processes that recognize their value.

The DORA principles are reflected in CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC’s overall approaches to research assessment, and in their shared commitment to continuous improvement in assessment practices. A number of the Agencies’ initiatives and policies support research excellence and align with the recommendations in DORA, including research data management practices, open access publishing, responsible conduct of research, ethical conduct of research involving humans; and the commitment to re-examine research excellence through the Tri-Agency Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Action Plan.

Nominations will be assessed on the following criteria:

  • International profile in research –3 points

International profile in research is typically evidenced by significant contributions in internationally recognized journals, contributions to international peer review, science policy, science diplomacy, science communication, etc. Evidence of profile may be

demonstrated by (but are not limited to) impactful peer-reviewed publications in internationally recognized journals, international presentations, creation of intellectual property, other knowledge translation activities, etc., international recognition such as awards, degrees, credentials, etc., clinical practice, policy development, specialized training, strategic employment positions, etc.

  • Role in the development and promotion of the discipline in Canada –4 points

Evidence for excellence and impact in promoting the discipline in Canada may be evidenced by (but is not limited to) science leadership at the national level through deep engagement in communities of practice (e.g. science societies at the national/ international level), sustained engagement with policymakers (provincially, federally) and decision making bodies (e.g. serving and contributing to national boards and councils in a capacity as a scientific leader, serving on advisory committees to government, industry, education, policy-makers in a capacity as an expert scientist, etc.)

  • Record of service to the academic or broader community –3 points

Evidence for excellence in service to the academic or broader community excellence can be demonstrated by activities that might include (but is not limited to) increased understanding by the Canadian public of science through engagement across any media and mechanism (e.g. books, talks, science fairs, videos, etc.), extended roles in national organizations (such as president of a science society or chair of a science organization). The recipient of this life-time achievement award typically (i) has attained an international profile in research, (ii) has played a major role in the development and promotion of the discipline in Canada, and (iii) has a long-standing record of service to the academic or broader community.

(2) Eligibility

The nominee need not be a member of the CSMB. Self-nominations will not be considered. The nominee must have lived in Canada and worked at a Canadian research institute for the last 15 years in a senior investigator position. The nominee and nominator need not be a member of the CSMB.

Note: Members of the CSMB Board and committees (including at-large members) are not eligible for nomination for CSMB awards while they hold office.

The awardee will deliver a lecture at the CSMB Annual Conference and submit a manuscript or review of their related work/career path for publication in the journals Biochemistry and Cell Biology or Genome and in the CSMB Bulletin. Awardees are encouraged to become CSMB members.

Please address nomination letters to :

Dr. Tarik Möröy
General Secretary of the CSMB

Nominations should be submitted via the following form:

Updated 2024-02-27


Previous winner of this award


2022 Reinhart Reithmeier
2020 Anne-Marie Mes-Masson
2018 Mona Nemer
2018 Jim Woodgett
2016 Morag Park
2014 Janet Rossant
2012 Henry Friesen
2010 Michel Chrétien
2008 Alan Bernstein