Advocacy and Government Relations Committee

Mandate:  The focus of the Advocacy and Government Relations Committee is to advance and promote molecular biosciences, with a focus on advocating for robust and sustainable funding for fundamental research in Canada.  While CSMB continues working with both our partners Research Canada and the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering, the committee is mandated to develop its own advocacy efforts to ensure that the concerns and solutions of CSMB members are heard on Parliament Hill.

Composition:  CSMB President (chair), Vice-President, Past-Presidents, 2 Board members and 3 CSMB members at large.


  • Identify key concerns of members in regards to Federal Research Funding Issues and develop advocacy strategies to effectively convey issues and solutions to parliamentarians including, email campaigns, petitions, opinion pieces and meeting with members of parliament.
  • Submit Pre-budget Consultations to House of Commons.
  • Formally respond to the Budget and how it pertains to our members.
  • Submit recommendations to federal panels as they arise.
  • Build relationships with federal politicians
  • Communicate with media.
  • Establish social media presence to advance positions of CSMB.

Members of the Committee

Walid Houry

CSMB President

Co-Chair of the committee

Walid Houry

University of Ottawa

Trushar Patel

Board member

Co-Chair of the committee

Trushar Patel

Lethbridge University

Mojgan Rastegar

CSMB Vice-President

Mojgan Rastegar

University of Manitoba

Hans Joachim Wieden

CSMB Past President

Hans Joachim Wieden

University of Manitoba

Vincent Archambault

Board member

Vincent Archambault

Université de Montréal

Katey Rayner

Board member

Katey Rayner

University of Ottawa

Laleh Alisaraie

Board member

Laleh Alisaraie

Memorial University

Martin Duennwald

At-large member

Martin Duenwald

University of Western Ontario

Thomas Pulinilkunnil

At-large member

Thomas Pulinilkunnil

Dalhousie University

Ecaterina Cozma (University of British Columbia)

Trainee, at-large member

Ecaterina Cozma

University of British Columbia