The CSMB is working hard to communicate to the public about the value of fundamental research in Canada. Here you can read about our efforts:
CSMB Marchs for Science – CTV News, April 22nd, 2017
Pushback from scientists forces overhaul of funding system in Canada – Globe and Mail, July 14th 2016
After protest, Canada’s health science funder reverses course on peer-review changes – Science July 13th, 2016
Scientists come to Ottawa seeking change to a system they say is playing lotto with their futures – Ottawa Citizen July 12th, 2016
Turmoil over medical research funding spurs action from Ottawa – July 6, 2016
CSMB comments on Budget2016 in Globe and Mail and The Scientists
CSMB advocates for scientists to email politicians their concerns about CIHR Reforms
Scientist urges straight talk on research ahead of federal vote