CSMB advocacy update


On Friday, June 25, the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences, in partnership with the Canadian Association for Neuroscience welcomed former Minister of Science and current Member of Parliament, Dr. Kirsty Duncan to an event on Science and Government 101. During the session, Dr. Duncan stressed the need for scientists and researchers to get involved, with a unified voice, in advocating to government on how scientific evidence matters. As said best by Dr. Duncan, “We can’t continue on two separate tracks… where science doesn’t know politics, and politics doesn’t know science”. Heeding her advice, the CSMB is planning for future engagement with government officials, especially in light of a potential Fall 2021 election.

Further details will follow once the timing of the election is clear, but we will be supporting Members with their election engagement through the preparation and sharing of template tweets and social media advice, one-page documents with election priorities, and support for Members looking to reach out to their local candidates.

In the meantime, if you were looking to engage with your local Member of Parliament over the summer and would like some support, please reach out to Kristina Proulx from Temple Scott Associates at kproulx@tsa.ca and she will try her best to coordinate a meeting on your behalf.