Webinar: The Antibody Crisis: Leveraging machine learning for evidence-based antibody search

BenchSciThe CSMB-SCBM trainee committee is partnering with BenchSci for a special webinar.
The “reproducibility crisis” has generated much attention in the research community over the past years. While the issue is multifaceted at its core, rogue antibodies have been identified as one of the major culprits.

To ensure scientists can find antibodies that have been proven to work repeatedly by peers, we developed an open-access resource that uses a machine learning algorithm to screen the literature and identify which and how antibodies have been cited. The resulting peer-reviewed data are searchable by protein targets or product identifier and are filterable by experimental contexts as cited in papers, including technique, tissue, cell line, to help users pinpoint antibodies that have been published under experimental conditions matching their study interest.

Wednesday May 15th 2pm EDT

A recording of this webinar is available here:

Freely accessible resource for academic scientists at https://landing.benchsci.com/academic