The CSMB wins Research Canada’s Organization Leadership in Advocacy Award

Press release by Research Canada
OTTAWA, June 9, 2021 – Research Canada is pleased to announce the 2021 Individual and Organization Leadership in Advocacy Awardees: Dr. Aubie Angel, the founding and current President of Friends of CIHR (FCIHR), a professor at the University of Manitoba and President and Board Chair of the Diabetes Research and Treatment Centre, and the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences, a professional association of active researchers and students in the fields of biochemistry, cell biology, molecular biology and genetics.

The Research Canada Leadership in Advocacy Award recognizes outstanding champions of health research and health innovation. Recognition of Canadian health research—the kind that attracts the necessary public and political support—often comes from the dedicated and tireless efforts of health research advocates who educate policymakers, the media and the public about the social and economic benefits of health research and its promise of future cures and, importantly, a better quality of life for all Canadians. This year’s winners exemplify this.

“Our sector is fortunate to have many highly skilled and dedicated individuals and organizations working tirelessly to ensure that health research and innovation is supported by Canadians and their leaders,” said Dr. Rose Goldstein, Chair of Research Canada and Professor of Medicine at McGill University. “It is the life-changing nature of our work that makes this activity so special, and our champions so cherished.”

“This year’s Awardees have gone above and beyond what is expected of health research advocates,” added Ms. Deborah Gordon-El-Bihbety, President and CEO of Research Canada. “Dr. Angel has made singular and exceptional contributions to Canada as a leading advocate for health research through novel initiatives that have engaged leaders, researchers and trainees. The Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences has been a tireless advocate for biomedical research and researchers, and this past year notably amplified the role of researchers, equity, diversity, inclusion and fundamental research in the fight against COVID-19.”

Research Canada will continue to recognize the achievements of our best and brightest advocates in the coming years with this annual award. We wish to thank those who submitted nominations, all of which were outstanding, for the 2021 Leadership in Advocacy Award.