RiboClub Annual Meeting 2011
In partnership with the Canadian Society of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSBMCB)
Studying RNA one molecule at a time
54th Annual Conference
September 19 – 21, 2011
Hôtel Chéribourg
Orford, Québec
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In partnership with the Canadian Society of Biochemistry, Molecular and Cellular Biology (CSBMCB), the RiboClub Annual Meeting 2011 will be held on September 19-21, 2011 at the Hôtel Chéribourg, Orford, Québec, Canada.
The RiboClub Annual Meeting is a yearly meeting of RNA scientists from Canada, USA and around the world. The meeting covers different topics related to the chemistry, structure and biology of RNA. The meeting format is designed to encourage collaborations between the different labs and to stimulate the interest of young scientists in this research area. The flavour of the year is: Studying RNA one molecule at a time. During the meeting, multiple and different awards will be given to students, postdoctoral fellows and professors; it includes:
Best Seminar Award 2011
Blue Jacket Award
Best Poster Awards
Hôtel Chéribourg is located in the magnificent Mount Orford Park, next to Cherry River; Chéribourg is famous for its warm hospitality. In the Eastern Townships of Quebec, the hotel is a real attraction with its resort, convention center and health center. It is located only 5 minutes from Lake Memphrémagog and downtown Magog. Awaken all your senses when visiting the unique Chéribourg. Immerse yourself in a country style decor, tickle your taste bud with a renowned regional cuisine, lend an ear to total silence, and relax with special bodily cares and focus on your business sense. Whatever your choice, your stay will be more than beneficial. Please allow about 2 hours travel time by car from Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau International Airport to Hôtel Chéribourg (140 km)
Organizing Committee
Sherif Abou Elela, Université de Sherbrooke
François Bachand, Université de Sherbrooke
Brendan Bell, Université de Sherbrooke
Martin Bisaillon, Université de Sherbrooke
Benoit Chabot, Universté de Sherbrooke
Thomas Duchaine, McGill University
Philip Johnson, University of Ottawa
Daniel Lafontaine, Université de Sherbrooke
Éric Massé, Université de Sherbrooke
Martin Pelchat, University of Ottawa
Jean-Pierre Perreault, Université de Sherbrooke
Raymund Wellinger, Université de Sherbrooke
Daniel Zenklusen, Université de Montréal
Session Topics & Confirmed Speakers
- Keynote Speakers:
Gary Ruvkun, The Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA
Jennifer Doudna, University of California, Berkeley, USA - RNA dependent regulation of translation
James E. Dahlberg, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Paul Fox, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, USA - Splicing Decisions under Stress
Martin Dutertre, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France
David Wassarman, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA - RNA dependent regulation of viral infection
Andrew White, York University, Toronto, Canada
Biao Ding, The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA - RNA molecules associated with genome stability
Andrés Aguilera, CABIMER, Sevilla, Spain
David Zappulla, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA - Structure and behavior of regulatory RNA
Frédéric Allain, Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Zürich, Switzerland
Robert T. Batey, University of Colorado at Boulder, USA - Nuclear RNA degradation: a new mechanism of gene regulation
Domenico Libri, Centre de Génétique Moléculaire, Paris, France
Françoise Stutz, Université de Genève, Switzerland - Studying the dynamics of a single RNA molecule in vitro
Jody Puglisi, Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
Invited talk, David Rueda, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA - Single molecule RNA studies in vivo
Robert Singer, Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, USA
David Grünwald, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands - How We Got Here: an Informal History of the Structural Biology of RNA
Peter Moore, Yale University, USA