2025 Annual Conference

Save the date!


We are excited to announce the 68th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) in conjunction with the 4th Biennial Conference for Proteostasis Researchers in Canada, Eh (PRinCE), which will be held May 26 – May 29, 2025 in Ottawa.

The 2025 meeting will be at the Learning CrossRoads (CRX) building in the downtown campus of the University of Ottawa. We expect to attract about 300 researchers from across Canada and globally. The conference will feature top-tier speakers, special trainee programmes, outreach and networking events – all at an affordable cost. The conference will also conclude with a banquet at the Boat Cruise on the Ottawa River.

The theme of the 2025 CSMB-PRinCE meeting is “Protein Homeostasis – From Basic Science to Human Health”, to promote collaborations between laboratories working on topics relevant to protein science. These include, but are not limited to, aging, autophagy, cardio-vascular health, cellular stress responses, immunity, neurodevelopment, neurodegeneration, protein misfolding and aggregation, protein trafficking and degradation, protein translational regulation, and proteomics.

Dr. Julie Forman-Kay (University of Toronto) and Dr. Erika Holzbaur (University of Pennsylvania) will present Keynote lectures. In addition, there will be about 16 additional outstanding invited speakers and prestigious CSMB award winners. The majority (>50%) of talks in platform sessions will be chosen from YOUR submitted abstracts. Our sessions will be broad in scope, and so the event is ideal for anybody doing work in the molecular biosciences.

The event website is https://event.fourwaves.com/csmb-prince-2025/

Your Organizing Team:

  • Jyh-Yeuan (Eric) Lee (University of Ottawa)
  • Mireille Ouimet (University of Ottawa)
  • Maxime Rousseaux (University of Ottawa)
  • Gilda Stefanelli (University of Ottawa)
  • Martin Duennwald (Western University)
  • Walid A. Houry (University of Toronto)
  • Dale Martin (University of Waterloo)
  • Maria Vera Ugalde (McGill University)
  • Hilla Weidberg (University of British Columbia)