January 2019 newsletter

Message from the President

Dear members of the CSMB,

Tarik Moroy
Tarik Moroy, CSMB President.

The start of the new year is an excellent opportunity to highlight some the upcoming events and opportunities that are open to you as Canadian researchers.

Budget 2019 is still being drafted and you have opportunities to provide your input in the development process.  Advocating for science is one of the most important aspects of the CSMB’s mandate – it is important to make the case that funding science will help make Canada stronger, healthier and more prosperous, and every voice counts. Please visit the CSMB Advocacy page to learn about advocacy opportunities that are open to you.

The 62nd annual CSMB meeting will take place June 2-5, 2019 in Montréal, and the theme of this year’s meeting is “Model Systems in Cancer Research”.  This exciting conference will bring together Canadian and international leaders in Cancer research.  Don’t miss it!

The CSMB Trainee committee is a very active and enthusiastic group of trainees who develop activities, partnerships and initiatives which benefit trainees, but also the Canadian scientific community as a whole through their science promotion efforts. This group has been led by the very engaged Nafisa Jadavji, post-doc at Carleton University, and Bensun Fong, PhD Student at the University of Ottawa.  I wish to thank them both for the great work they have done during their mandate.  The trainee committee is currently recruiting new members and leaders, and I invite you to consider becoming a part of this team.    Visit the CSMB Trainee webpage for more about the activities of this committee, and to view the call for applications.

Finally, I want to remind all our members that we are currently in the 2019 membership renewal period, so if you have not yet renewed your membership for this year, I invite you to do so today by following this link: Membership.  Your membership is very important to our Society, as your support is what allows us to reach our objectives of advocating for science, promoting collaboration, supporting trainees and celebrating the achievements of our members.

I look forward to your participation in CSMB activities and initiatives in 2019, and invite you to share with us your ideas for the future.

Warm regards

Tarik Moroy,
President of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences.

Calls to action

Bill Morneau wants your input for budget 2019

The Minister of Finance is currently holding consultations in advance of budget 2019 and the deadline is fast approaching.

We invite all our members to participate in these. This is your chance to tell the Minister of Finance how investment in science will make Canada stronger and better.  You can answer a survey, and submit your ideas by email at this website:

Publish in CSMB official journals

We invite all our members to submit manuscripts to the official journals of the CSMB, Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Genome.  These journals, published by Canadian Science Publishing, cover every aspect of general biochemistry, genetics and genomics.  We invite you to visit the journal website for more information about these journals.

In addition, trainees publishing in BCB are eligible for the Biochemistry and Cell Biology (BCB) Student Article award awarded yearly.


Renew your membership today

The CSMB needs your support!  Please follow this link to learn more about CSMB membership and to renew today.

We also invite you to forward this newsletter to your colleagues, trainees and students to invite them to become part of a strong community of scientists in Canada.

Follow us on social media

The CSMB is active on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.  Follow us to stay informed of all our initiatives and opportunities!


Meeting update

2019 CSMB Meeting

Planning is well underway for the 62nd Annual Conference of the CSMB, Model Systems in Cancer Research, which will take place June 2-5, 2019 in Montreal.

The organizing committee (Vincent Archambault, Kathy Borden, Jean-François Côté, Jean-Claude Labbé, Julie Lessard, Nora Mostefai, Martine Raymond, Michelle Scott, Brian Wilhelm) have published the list of speakers and registration will open in the next few weeks.

Please visit the meeting webpage for the most recent information.

Call for proposal – future CSMB meetings

Our members are also invited to submit proposals for future CSMB meetings, for 2020 and beyond. The conference mandate is to provide CSMB members with a high quality and affordable scientific meeting in areas of Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology and Genetics. View the Call for meeting proposals here:

Trainee news & Opportunities

Advocating for research funding webinar recording available

The CSMB trainee committee, led by Nafisa Jadavji and Bensun Fong organized, with Evidence for Democracy, a webinar on Advocating for research funding.  The recording of this webinar is available on youtube:

The CSMB trainee committee also invites you to sign up for Evidence for Democracy’s newsletter to hear about other advocacy opportunities.

Science & Policy Exchange survey

The CSMB trainee committee also recently released the preliminary results of a survey on scholarships and fellowships by Science & Policy Exchange (http://sp-exchange.ca/).  The survey closed on January 11, so check out the S&PE website for the release of full report very soon: http://sp-exchange.ca/events/survey/

Call for applications for appointments to the CSMB Trainee Committee.

This committee reports to the CSMB Board. If you are a student or postdoc member of CSMB, we encourage you to apply. This is a great opportunity to get involved with a national organization.

View the Full Call for nominations

Jobs & Opportunities

View all current job opportunities listed on the CSMB website here:

CSMB members can advertise for free on the website.  Send us your advertisement at contact@csmb-scbm.ca.

Recent advertisements (by post date)

Send us your content/input

We invite you to send us content for the CSMB website and for inclusion in the CSMB newsletter.  We are actively looking for

  • News about CSMB members
  • Images that represent molecular biosciences that could be used for our website and newsletter (full credits will be given to the image source)
  • Job openings
  • Advocacy opportunities open to our members

Write to us here: contact@csmb-scbm.ca

Thank you for reading our newsletter!

Follow us

Follow us to stay up-to-date on all our activities.

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Members will also receive an invitation to be part of the CSMB Slack discussion group upon membership renewal.

Get in touch!

You can contact us here: contact@csmb-scbm.ca