L’élection du gouvernement libéral a renouvelé l’intérêt pour les sciences au Canada. Les scientifiques du gouvernement peuvent maintenant parler ouvertement de leurs travaux, le poste du Conseiller scientifique en Chef a été créé et les investissements via le Fonds d’Investissement stratégique (FIS) pour les établissements postsecondaires et la Fondation canadienne pour l’Innovation (FCI) donneront aux chercheurs des infrastructures à jour et des équipements de pointe. Nous applaudissons ces initiatives représentant deux des trois ingrédients nécessaires pour l’augmentation de la capacité en recherche dans notre pays. Cependant, la réalisation du plein potentiel de ces investissements est actuellement limitée par la disponibilité des subventions de fonctionnement – les ressources nécessaires pour effectuer la recherche. Nous encourageons le gouvernement fédéral à faire le troisième et plus important geste: permettre aux chercheurs l’exploitation de leurs nouveaux équipements et infrastructures en leur donnant des subventions de fonctionnement suffisantes.
Au nom des scientifiques canadiens nous suggérons que les budgets pour les compétitions ouvertes des IRSC (subventions projet et fondation) et du CRSNG (subventions à la découverte) soient doublés d’ici à la fin du premier mandat du gouvernement libéral. Soutenir les compétitions ouvertes pour les subventions de fonctionnement est la seule façon de soutenir la recherche de haut niveau et les découvertes scientifiques dans tous les domaines d’une façon efficace. En général, environ 70% d’une subvention de fonctionnement sert à soutenir les salaires des chercheurs créatifs, notamment les jeunes et hautement qualifiés techniciens, assistants de recherche, étudiants aux cycles supérieurs et chercheurs postdoctoraux qui représentent la prochaine génération des employés en technologies de pointe.
En 2017, nous célébrons le 150e anniversaire de notre pays et une histoire riche en découvertes scientifiques. Assurons-nous que les scientifiques canadiens aient tous les ingrédients essentiels pour leurs travaux: les infrastructures et les équipements de pointe et également les subventions de fonctionnement suffisantes pour effectuer leurs travaux d’une façon compétitive au niveau international. L’investissement demandé à partir du budget fédéral 2017, et d’une façon soutenue jusqu’à la fin du premier mandant du gouvernement Trudeau, soutiendra la recherche à la découverte ainsi que la recherche appliquée qui mèneront à des avancées en santé, en technologie et pour l’industrie. Le doublement des subventions de fonctionnement des programmes ouverts aux IRSC et au CRSNG créera des milliers d’excellents emplois à travers le pays et positionnera le Canada en tant que force de premier plan de l’économie du savoir au niveau global.
Veuillez signer notre pétition pour demander des investissements dans l’excellence scientifique et la création d’emplois en entrant votre nom, affiliation et adresse courriel dans les champs ci-dessous. Une fois que vous aurez cliqué sur soumettre, voici ce qui se passera.
- Votre nom et affiliation apparaîtront dans la liste des signataires sur le côté droit de l’écran.
- Le texte de la pétition, associé à votre nom, affiliation et adresse courriel sera envoyé aux destinataires suivants après la clôture de la pétition:
Le premier ministre du Canada Justin Trudeau, le ministre des Finances Bill Morneau, la ministre de la Science Kirsty Duncan, la ministre de la Santé Jane Philpott, le ministre de l’Innovation, de la Science et du Développement économique Navdeep Singh Bains, la Chef intérimaire du Parti conservateur du Canada Rona Ambrose, le Chef du Parti démocratique du Canada Thomas Mulcair et la Chef du Parti vert du Canada Elizabeth May.
Merci pour votre aide.
Le conseil d’administration de la SCBM
#: 2,220
Amy Svotelis
Centre de recherche du CHUS
Claude Asselin
Université de Sherbrooke
Valeriy Ostapchenko
Western University
Patrick Burgon
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Paola Marignani
Dalhousie University
Wafaa Antonious – testing
Matthew Hildebrandt
The Hospital for Sick Children
Charles Vadnais
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal
Abdelilah Soussi Gounni
University of Manitoba
Cory Richman
Mcmaster University
Dmitry Pichugin
University of Toronto MIssissauga
Boya Jiang
University of Toronto
Tae Hun Kim
The Hospital for Sick Children
Advait Hasabnis
Univ of Toronto Mississauga
Shuya Huang
University of Toronto
Alexander Paul Orazietti
University of Toronto
Terrance Kubiseski
York University
Patricia Lakin-Thomas
York University
Michael Connor
York University
Emil F. Pai
University of Toronto/Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Monika Schmidt
Hospital for Sick Children
Caroline Gilbert
Université Laval
Dorothea Godt
University of Toronto
Dorothea Godt
Universit of Toronto
Lauren Banh
High School Student
- John MacLeod
Queen’s University
Renee Masching
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network
Tong Xie
University of Toronto
Richard Song
Student at University of Toronto
Adam Xiao
University of Toronto
Yue Wang
University of Toronto
Yoonsik Park
University of Toronto
Mauricio Terebiznik
University of Toronto Scarborough
Marie Audette
Université Laval
Shane Miersch
University of Toronto
Kashif Khan
York University
Edward J. Reeves
First Nations employee working with researchers and academia
Stephanie Fowler
University of Ottawa
William Tsang
Nada Elnour
Yin Fang Wu
University of Toronto
Daryl Jason DAVID
University of Toronto & Institut Pasteur (Paris)
Sarah Robins
McGill University
Hue Sun Chan
Departments of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto
Trang Pham
University of Ottawa
Hugh Bennett
McGill Univesrity
Kathryn Vanya Ewart
Dalhousie University
Belinda Chang
University of Toronto
John Bergeron
McGill University
Alexandra Blant
University of Manitoba
Maria Tereshchenko
University of Toronto
Aaryn Montgomery-Song
University of Toronto
Katalin Szaszi
University of Toronto and St Micahel’s Hospital
Hibah Shaikh
University of Toronto
Owen Hovey
University of Ottawa
John Stavrinides
University of Regina
Dr. William Francis Colmers
Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience and Mental Health Institute
Carol Kwon
McMaster University
Michelle Kuah
University of Toronto Undergraduate
Peter L. Davies
Queen’s University
Foivos Viktor Tsianos
University of Toronto undergraduate student
Arjun Sharma
McMaster University
Amy Wong Strilchuk
University of Toronto
Christopher Yost
University of Regina
Heba A. Farookhi
University of Toronto Mississauga
Dr. Tanya Dahms
University of Regina
Doug Munoz
Queen’s University
Afnan Shahid
University of Toronto
Suman Virdee
McMaster University
Pallavi Mathur
McMaster University
Kristina Klobucar
McMaster University
Jaspreet Sanghera
McMaster University
Dr. Bill Stanford
OHRI & University of Ottawa
Caroline Molle
Université de Sherbrooke
Kim Pho
Mcmaster University
Edem Andy Afenu
University of Toronto (Biochemistry)
Zafrin Islam
McMaster University
Pei Lun Chiang
University of Toronro – Department of Biochemistry
Alan Amin
University of Toronto
Sanjana Srikant
University of Toronto
Swapna Seshadri
Hospital for Sick Children
Raabez Ahmad
University of Toronto
Doreen Banh
University of Toronto
Tanvi Sharma
University of Toronto
Si Cong (Annie) Li
University of Toronto
Marim Barghash
University of Toronto
Sheena Faye Garcia
University of Toronto
Kin Chan
University of Ottawa
Huazhu Liang
university of toronto
Matthew Leeder
Undergraduate biochemistry specialist UofT
Xanita Saayman
University of Toronto
Waleed Khan
University of Toronto Undergraduate Student
Mazen El-Kurdi
University of Toronto
Nessika Karsenti
University of Toronto
Thomas S. Przybycien
University of Toronto
Robert Lu
University of Toronto
Peter Leventis
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Stella Lu
University of Toronto
Katey Rayner
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Marco Marra
University of British Columbia
Josée Quesnel
Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, Université de Sherbrooke
Christiane Caouette
École Polytechnique de Montréal / CHU Sainte-Justine
Breanne Cuddington
McMaster University
Morgan Fullerton
University of Ottawa
Ariel A Petruk
University of Waterloo
Sadiyah Jamal
Suzanne Demczuk
McMaster University
Vanina Zaremberg
University of Calgary
Nicolas Rivas
University of Waterloo
Melissa Holmes
University of Toronto
Aric Huang
McMaster University
Maria Eugenia Davola
McMaster University
Barbara Vanderhyden
University of Ottawa / Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Christopher W. Cairo
University of Alberta
Chris Verschoor
McMaster University
Dusica Maysinger
Bill Roesler
Department of Biochemistry, University of Saskatchewan
Gabrielle Gendron-Lepage
Universite de Montreal
Larbi Mokhatri
Université de Montréal
Adelaine Leung
University of Saskatchewan
Catherine Paradis-Bleau
Université de Montréal
Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez
University of Toronto
Ting Xiong
McMaster University
Todd Lowary
University of Alberta
Shoukat Dedhar
University of British Columbia
Joseph R Stinziano
The University of Western Ontario
Mohamed Abdel Hakeem
University of Pennsylvania
Klotilda Narkaj
University of Toronto
Derrick Cheng
University of Toronto
Peter Grin
McMaster University
Katharina Schulz
McMaster University
Heath MacMillan
York University
Ben Speers-Roesch
University of New Brunswick, Saint John
Ryan McKay
University of Alberta
Benjamin Scott
University of Toronto
Dempsey Wood
McMaster University
Vladimir Michaelis
University of Alberta
Kevin Chathely
McMaster University
Alexander Qian
McMaster University
Mary Kathryn Bohn
McMaster University
Michael Ranieri
McMaster University
Oleg Dmitriev
University of Saskatchewan
Monica De Paoli
McMaster University
University of Toronto
Nicholas Guilbeault
University of Toronto Scarborough Campus
Marylise Duperthuy
Universite de Montréal
Colin Kretz
McMaster University
Jeffrey I. Weitz
McMaster University
Usama Tahir
McMaster University
Janine Strehmel
McMaster University
Bernardo Louis Trigatti
Department of Biochemistry and Biomedical Sciences, McMaster University
Marya Ahmed
University of Prince Edward Island
Susan Collins
McMaster University
Barbara Triggs-Raine
University of Manitoba
Jessica Breznik
McMaster University
Dawn Bowdish
McMaster University
Trevor Pemberton
University of Manitoba
Thibault Mayor
University of British Columbia
Filip Van Petegem
University of British Columbia
Alexandre Cloutier
Université de Sherbrooke
Alisdair Boraston
University of Victoria
Jack Lindsay
Brandon University
Zhou Xing
McMaster University
Graham Leon Collingridge
University of Toronto
Josée Harel
Université de Montréal
Marie-Laurence Lemay
Université Laval
Andrew Cameron
University of Regina
Ayush Kumar
University of Manitoba
Peter Stogios
University of Toronto
Sarah Piché-Choquette
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
James Ellis
SickKids and University of Toronto
Jeffrey Chen
VIDO-InterVac, University of Saskatchewan
Jeffrey Lane
University of Saskatchewan
John M Dixon
Prof. Emeritus, Queen’s University
Andrew Braun
University of Calgary
Marine Diennet
IRIC – Université de Montréal
Marieke Rozendaal
IRIC – Université de Montréal
Marianne Koritzinsky
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Marie-Ève Dufour
Université d’Ottawa
Anne Wheeler
Hospital for Sick Children
Laurent Godin
Queen’s University
Daniel Layton-Matthews
Queen’s University
- Jean Hutchinson
Queen’s University
Janel Kopp
University of British Columbia
Nina Karpoff
University of Alberta
Sabine P Cordes
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute & UNiversity of Toronto
Peter G. Wells
University of Toronto
Darian Ng
Janice Braun
Associate Professor
Roula Andreopoulos
University of Toronto
chantal dumoulin
Université de Montréal
Stephen Methot
McGill University
Roselynn Stevenson
University of Guelph – Molecular and Cellular Biology
Dr Anna Hargreaves
McGill University
Hila Behar
University of British Columbia
Roni Levin
University of Toronto / Hospital for Sick Children
Martin Simard
Université Laval
Mitra Cowan
Xinping Zhao
Bruno Maranda
Université de Sherbrooke
Ksenia Dolgaleva
University of Ottawa
Cynthia Guidos
Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute & University of Toronto
Steffen Graether
University of Guelph
John Derek Bewley
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Univ. Guelph
Danny Letourneau
Université de Sherbrooke
Dominique Bella N.
Université de Sherbrooke
Liliana Attisano
University of Toronto
Karina Top
Dalhousie University
Abby C Collier
University of British Columbia
Michelle Bendeck
University of Toronto
Bruce Vallance
University of British Columbia
Jose Moran-Mirabal
McMaster University
Guy Tanentzapf
University of British Columbia
Andrew Bendall
University of Guelph
Stephen M. Lewis
Atlantic Cancer Research Institute
Camila de Britto Para de Aragao
PhD candidate, McGill University
Harold Kalant
University of Toronto.
Thuy Nguyen
University of Toronto
Alexander Clanachan
University of Alberta
Cédrik Poirier
Université de Sherbrooke
icten I Meras
McGill University
Jean-Francois Schmouth
McGill University
Quaid Morris
University of Toronto
Samuel Wilson
Université de Sherbrooke
Khalid Hossain
The Hospital for Sick Children
Rachel Fernandez
David Kolin
University of Toronto
Hon Leong
University of Western Ontario
Stephane Lefrancois
Emma Allen-Vercoe
University of Guelph
Mylène Brunelle
Université de Sherbrooke
Nicolas Quaegebeur
GAUS – Université de Sherbrooke
- David Josephy
MCB, CBS, University of Guelph
Julien Leconte
McGill University
Julien Malette
Université de Sherbrooke
Sara Meers
Patrice Vaillancourt
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Maxime Beaudoin
Université de Sherbrooke
Andréa Allaire
Université de Sherbrooke
Ariane Brault
Université de Sherbrooke
Joseph Colasanti
University of Guelph
Christophe Morin
Université de Sherbrooke
Ian Tetlow
University of Guelph
Mélissa Mathieu
Kiersten Dionne
Université de Sherbrooke
Jacques LeHoux
Professionnel Université Sherbrooke Biochimie
Olivier Simard
Université de Sherbrooke
Louise Rousseau
Zeinab Ebrahimzadeh
PhD student
Roger Brownsey
Professor Emeritus, University of BC
Monique Vasseur
Université de Montréal
Karine Prévost
Université de Sherbrooke
Steven Rothstein
University of Guelph
Christine Jones
Université de Sherbrooke
Guillaume Arguin
Université de Sherbrooke
Roderick Stephen MacDonald
Université de Sherbrooke
Professor Michael Emes
Dept of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph
John F. Dawson
University of Guelph
Anne-Marie Landry-Voyer
Université de Sherbrooke
Professor Rod Merrill
Dept. of Mol. & Cell. Biol., University of Guelph
Dr. Richard Mosser
University of Guelph
Jim Uniacke
University of Guelph
Véronique Pomerleau
Université de Sherbrooke
Vincent Roy
Université de Sherbrooke
Patrick Delattre
Université de Sherbrooke
Brent Gowen
University of Victoria
Coquerel David
Université de Sherbrooke
Marie Young
Queens University
Annie Lauzier
Université de Sherbrooke
Cheryl Litwinowich
Kingston Research Facility
Lenore Beitel
McGill University
Lisa Goddard
Queen’s University
Stephanie Charlton
Sonia Couture
Université de Sherbrooke
Rachel Jodoin
Université de Sherbrooke
Anaïs Chauvin
Université de Sherbrooke
Stephanie L Young
Queen’s University
Lauralyne Dumont
Université de Sherbrooke
Dominique Lévesque
Université de Sherbrooke
Audrey-Ann Dumont
Université de Sherbrooke
Cécilia Légaré
Université de Sherbrooke
Véronique Desgagné
Université de Sherbrooke
Hugo Giguère
Université de Sherbrooke
Caroline Telekawa
Université de Sherbrooke
Mannix Auger-Messier
Université de Sherbrooke
Audrey Lortie
Université de sherbrooke
Frédérik Dufour
Université de Sherbrooke
Thierry Mourer
Université de Sherbrooke
Marc-Antoine Turcotte
Université de Sherbrooke
Jean-Michel Garant
Université de Sherbrooke
Nathalie Perreault
Université de Sherbrooke
Nadia Larabi
Université de Sherbrooke
Philippe Thibault
Université de Sherbrooke
Marie-Claude Carrier
Université de Sherbrooke
Simon Boudreault
Université de Sherbrooke
Steve Jean
Université de Sherbrooke
Samuel Rouleau
Université de Sherbrooke
Julian Garneau
Université de Sherbrooke
Nancy Laterreur
Université de Sherbrooke
Xavier Roucou
Université de Sherbrooke
mustafa malik ghulam
universite de sherbrooke
Dominique Jean Ph.D.
Université de Shebrooke
Chantale Simard
Université de Sherbrooke – Faculté de médecine
Caroline Saucier
Université de Sherbrooke
Maxime Gagnon
University of Sherbrooke
Vincent Boivin
Université de Sherbrooke
Erin Bonnell
Université de Sherbrooke
Rebecca Mercier
University of Alberta
Susanne Kaitna
McGill University
Carla Ross
Dalhousie University
Matthew Gordon
Queens UNiversity
Mikaël Poirier
Université de Sherbrooke
Cecilia Perez
University of British Columbia
Neel Dhingani
University of Toronto
Albert H. C. Wong
University of Toronto
Stefanie Novakowski
University of British Columbia
Nevraj Kejiou
University of Toronto
Sylvain Huard
University of Ottawa
Gilles Soulez
Dpt De Radiologie Université de Montréal
Arnold Kristof
McGill University
Libin Abraham
Univeristy of British Columbia
David R. Hampson
University of Toronto
Elisabet Service
McMaster University
Ruth Ross
University of Toronto
Janelle Johnson
University of Alberta
David Ma
University of Guelph
Christopher Beaumont
Dalhousie University
Colby Perrin
Dalhousie University
Joelle Trepanier
Université de Montréal
Anastasiia Mereshchuk
Dalhousie University
Fanny Eyboulet
James Hawley
University of Toronto
Michael Charette
Brandon University
Joseph S. Sparling
University of Calgary
Barbara Hales
McGill University
Emmanuelle WILHELM
Université de Sherbrooke
Jeff Leyton
Université de Sherbrook
Nancy Robitaille
CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal
Maria Fernandes
Université Laval
Irene Gregory-Eaves
Department of Biology, McGill University
Julie L Lefebvre
Hospital for Sick Children/ U. Toronto
Katherine Thieltges
University of British Columbia
Michael Carlson
University of British Columbia
Nathanael Caveney
Marco Gallo
University of Calgary
Brendan Bell
Université de Sherbrooke
Karlton Scheu
The University of British Columbia
Paul G. Young
Queen’s University
Eric Jan
University of British Columbia
Junior West
University of Toronto
Eric Goudie
Université de Montréal
Christoph Deeg
University of British Columbia
Marie-Josée Bédard
Darlene Birkenhead
Jennifer Barrow
McGill University
Angela Pearson
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Sheila Drover
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Guylain Boulay
Université de Sherbrooke
Jean-Yves Masson
Laval University
Sukhinder Cheema
Memorial University
Stephanie Almeida
The Hospital for Sick Children
Kate Choi
University of British Columbia
Christopher Pin
University of Western Ontario
Stephanie Lehoux
McGill University
Artur Kania
Vanessa Chaillou
Université de Montréal
Cristina Atance
University of Ottawa
Tracy Raivio
University of Alberta
Isabelle Cousineau
CRCHUM Centre de Recherche du CHUM
Céline Coderre
Centre de recherche CHUM
Anne-Sophie Castonguay
Université de Montréal
Monica J Justice
The Hospital for Sick Children
Sandy Pelletier
Tamara Western
McGill University
Gregory Dekaban
Robarts Research Institute
Erik Joly
Centre du recherche du CHUM/MDRC
Martine Fournier
Guillaume Lesage
McGill University
Université Laval
Karen Beattie
McMaster University
Carita Lanner
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Gunnar Blohm
Centre for Neuroscience, Queen’s University
Dr Margaret E Brosnan
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Rashmi Kothary
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Valerie Booth
Memorial University of Newfoundland
David M. Byers
Dalhousie University
Jonathan J Dennis
University of Alberta
Akil Hamza
University of British Columbia
John M. Frostad
University of British Columbia
Cecilia Flores
McGill University
Marie-jo halaby
University Health Network
- Jeffrey Dilworth
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Lauren Flynn
The University of Western Ontario
Mannfred Boehm
Department of Botany, University of British Columbia
Tao Dong
University of Calgary
Malene Urbanus
University of Toronto
Bruce McKay
Carleton University
Helli Raptis
Centre de recherche de l’IUGM
Marina Martinez
Université de Montréal
Ska Bernadette
Université de Montréal
Daniel Knowles
Simon Fraser University
Andrew Sharon
University of British Columbia
Simon F. Dufresne
Université de Montréal
Laurence Masson-Côté
Université de Sherbrooke – Département de médecine nucléaire et radiobiologie – CRCHUS
Dr. Rita Suri
University of Montreal
Lise Coderre
Universite de Montreal
Martine Pirlet
Faculté de médecine de Sherbrooke Anesthésiologiste
Paul R. Martin
Queen’s University
Lisa Osborne
University of British Columbia
Dr. Pierre Jolicoeur
Université de Montréal
Neil Macpherson
Cell & Systems Biology, University of Toronto
Maryse Paquet
London Health Sciences Center
Song Lee
Dalhousie University
Nicole Wilkinson
University of Manitoba
Catherine K.L. Too
Dalhousie University
Claude Messier
University of Ottawa
Jeffrey Munzar
McGill University
Samantha Pauls
University of Manitoba
Tara Beattie
University of Calgary
James Reynolds
Queen’s University
Josée Quesnel MD
CIUSSS, Université de Sherbrooke
Allison J. Ouimet
University of Ottawa
Denis Arutyunov
University of Alberta
Diego Bellabarba
Faculté de médecine, Université de Sherbrooke
Marie-Hélène Roy Cardinal
Stephanie Tan
University of Toronto
Stephen Pasternak
Western University (University of Western Ontario)
William G Paterson
Queen’s University
Michele Minor-Corriveau
Steven Prescott
Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Line Langlois
Université de Sherbrooke
Pierre Belhumeur
Université de Montréal
Justin Fedor, PhD
Medical Research Council/Cambridge University
malcolm mitton
Mathieu Lemaire
SickKids – University of Toronto
Pierre-Etienne Jacques
Université de Sherbrooke
Sarah McFarlane
University of Calgary
Brian Feldman
University of Toronto, The Hospital for Sick Children
Gilles Boire
Université de Sherbrooke
Réjean Lapointe
Université de Montréal
Serge Marchand
Université de Sherbrooke
David Juncker
McGill University
Giada Sebastiani
McGill University
Alan Lomax
Queen’s University
Geneviève Seabrook
University Health Network
Eric Habib
Université de Montréal
Locke Spencer
University of Lethbridge
Charles St-Arnaud
Mylaine Breton
Université de Sherbrooke
Virginia Pimmett
University of Alberta
Amélie Achim
Université Laval
Janice Graham
Dalhousie University
Dr. Emily Gard Marshall
Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine
Ken Rose
Queen’s University
Alan Cochrane
University of Toronto
Elie Haddad
Université de Montréal
Jason Moffat
University of Toronto
ZHAO Shuiling
University of Montreal Hospital Centre, CRCHUM
Rachel Bujold
Université de Sherbrooke
Peter J. Ferguson
Oncology – University of Western Ontario
Alexander Smith
University of British Columbia
Professor Donald Maurice
Queen’s University, Kingston
Kelly M McNagny
Patrick Labonté
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
David Mathieu
Université de Sherbrooke
Patrick Gaudreau
University of Ottawa
Deanna Santer, PhD
University of Alberta
Mathieu Belzile
Université de Sherbrooke
Cecile Hryhorczuk
Université de Montréal
Christopher Eskiw
University of Saskatchewan
Jean-Sébastien Tremblay-Roy
Université de Sherbrooke
Karen Deborah Davis, PhD
University of Toronto and Krembil Research Institute/University Health Network
Sylvain Chartier
Université d’Ottawa
Jean-Claude Forest
Université Laval
Jennifer Mitchell
University of Toronto
Benoit Paquette
Université de Sherbrooke
Nafissa Ismail
University of Ottawa
Rob Gossage
Ryerson University
Jonathan Ledoux
Montreal Heart Institute
Dusanka Grbic
Université de Sherbrooke
Eunice Li-Chan
The University of British Columbia
Diane P Swanlund
University of Alberta
Stelvio M. Bandiera
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of British Columbia
Jean-François Deshaies
Université de Sherbrooke
Laurent Chatel-Chaix
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Andrea Kroeker
University of Manitoba
André Caron
CRCHU de Québec – Université Laval
Gerald F. Audette
York University
Francois Corbin
Université de Sherbrooke
Pascale Duplay
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Ceryl Tan
University of Toronto
Pascal Lefebvre
Université Laurentienne
Guangqi Zhou
University of Toronto
Michael Leadley
SickKids Research Institute
Dara Lo
University of Toronto
Jun Liu
University of Toronto
Fernand-Pierre Gendron
Universtité de Sherbrooke
Kenneth Campbell
University of Ottawa
Claude Daniel
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
joelle hassoun
universite de sherbrooke
Baudouin Forgeot d’Arc
Université de Montréal
Salim Timo Islam
INRS—Institut Armand-Frappier
Nigel Griffiths
University of Toronto
Ruslan Kubant
University of Toronto
Philippe Constant
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Jean-Luc Parent
Université de Sherbrooke
David Fortin
Université de sherbrooke
Alain Lamarre
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Daniel Cyr
INRS-Institut Armand -Frappier
Paul Farand
Université de Sherbrooke
Marie-Josée Boucher
Université de Sherbrooke
Albert Descoteaux
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Simona Stager
INRS-Institut ARmand-Frappier
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Chantal Doré
Université de Sherbrooke
Paula Lavery
McGill University
Tuan Bui
University of Ottawa
Eric Marsault
Université de Sherbrooke
Christopher Yip
University of Toronto, Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering
Jean-Bernard Denault
Université de Sherbrooke
Louis Gendron
Professeur et directeur du département de pharmacologie-physiologie, Université de Sherbrooke
Claude Asselin
Université de Sherbrooke
Jana Stankova
Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Mathieu Goyette
Université de Sherbrooke
Marie-Claude Rousseau
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Prof. Michel Grandbois
Université de Sherbrooke
Hongbin Xu
University of Ottawa
Pedro D’Orléans-Juste
Université de Sherbrooke
Robert Day, PhD
Université de Sherbrooke
Tavia Caplan
University of Toronto
Jean-Francois Lepage
Professeur adjoint, Université de Sherbrooke
Marielle Walraven
University of Toronto
David Wright
University of Guelph
Santiago Costantino
Univeristé de Montréal
Hélène Héon
Scott D. Gray-Owen
University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics
Dr. Nancy Hawkins
Associate Professor and Chair, Dept. of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University
Hesam Movassagh
University of Manitoba, Department of Immunology
John H. McNeill
University of British Columbia
Abdalla Ahmed
University of Toronto
Dennis Cvitkovitch
University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry
Jon Sakata
McGill University
Catherine Mounier
Brenda Gallie
SickKids Hospital and Techna Institute, University Health Network
Mark Keezer
Université de Montréal
Clover O’Brien
College of Physiotherapists of Ontario
Michael Szlapa
Michael Arts
Ryerson University
Tvisha misra
Caitlin Pritchard
University of British Columbia
Melissa Wong
University of Toronto
Michael Wilson
Sickkids Research Institute
Guylaine Ferland, PhD
Dep Nutrition, Université de Montréal
James D. McGhee
University of Calgary
Stellar Boo
University of Toronto
Ibrahim El-Hamamy
University of Toronto
Brett Jason Hilton
University of British Columbia
Zongchao Jia
Queen’s University
Frederick Roth
University of Toronto and Mt Sinai Hospital, Toronto
Andrew Burns
University of Toronto
Mark Gower
University of Toronto
Lixin Liu
University of Saskatchewan
Natasha Barone
McGill university
Manuela M. Santos
Université de Montréal
Kenneth Grise
University of Toronto
Marc Coppolino
University of Guelph
Maritza Jaramillo Patino
INRS – Institut Armand Frappier
Kali Iyer
University of Toronto
Elitza Tocheva
Universite de Montreal
Thomas Oxland
University of British Columbia
Boris Hinz
University of Toronto
Clarence Yeung
University of Toronto
Harley Damien O’Connor Mount
University of Toronto
Kwamaa Duah
University of Toronto
Ninan Abraham
University of British Columbia
Sandra Nishikawa
University of Calgary
Ross Upshur
University of Toronto
Jessica Knox
University of Toronto
Craig Simmons
University of Toronto
Yuliang Wu
University of Saskatchewan
Colin Anderson
University of Alberta
Judith Silverman
University of British Columbia
Jason ZY Wang
University of Toronto
Dianne Audet
Université de Montréal
Yanqing Jiang
University of Toronto
Elyssa Bader
University of Toronto
Karolina Szlapa
University of Toronto
Charles Sutton
University of Toronto
Armande Ang Houle
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Emma Brownlie
University of Toronto
Brent Richards
McGill University
Ernest Radovani
University of Toronto
Lauren Tracey
University of Toronto
Yeonwha Song
University of Toronto – Department of Molecular Genetics
Angela M Crawley
May Dang-Lawson
University of British Columbia
Duhyun Han
University of Toronto
Julia Hanchard
University of Toronto
Evelyn Popiel
University of Toronto
William Wiley Navarre, Ph.D.
University of Toronto, Department of Molecular Genetics
Sean Harrington
University of Toronto
Cayla Burk
University of Toronto
Theodora Yung
University of Toronto
Olga Zaslaver
Univrsity of Toronto
Erin Wong
University of Toronto
Peter Roy
University of Toronto
Mira Glibowicka
Research Institute/Hospital for Sick Children
Ryan Smith
University of Toronto
Terence Gall-Duncan
University of Toronto and Peter Gilgan Centre for Research and Learning
Lori Frappier
University of Toronto
Indra Gupta
McGill University
Thien-Fah Mah
University of Ottawa
Kevin Rey
Simon Fraser University
Denise Clark
University of New Brunswick
Shuya Huang
University of Toronto
Chantal Bemeur
Université de Montréal
Geneviève Lavoie
Université de Montréal
Jordan Feld
University of Toronto
Flore Oudouhou
Université de Montréal
Che Colpitts
University of Alberta
Guillaume Léonard
Université de Sherbrooke
A.P. Jason de Koning
University of Calgary, Cumming School of Medicine
Irina Voronov
University of Toronto
George Mutwiri
University of Saskatchewan
Calliopi Havele
University of Saskatchewan
Elsa Brunet-Ratnasingham
Limor Avivi-Arber
University of Toronto
Jean-Philippe Adam
Pharmacien en oncologie au CHUM
Scott Prosser
DIrector of Biotechnology. Chemistry, Biochemistry Departments, Univ. Toronto
Eric Racine
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
Marc Grynpas
University of Toronto
Adriana Caragea
University of Toronto
Eszter Somogyi-Ganss
University of Toronto
Anna Samaha
Université de Montréal
Pierrette GAUDREAU
Université de Montréal
Samer Hussein
Université Laval
Gabrielle Siegers
University of Alberta
Prof. Michel L. Tremblay, Ph.D., F.R.S.C., C.Q.
Université McGill, Goodman Cancer Centre
Keith Siklenka
McGill University
Deirdre Lobb
University of Calgary
Raynald Bergeron
Université de Montréal
John Stagg, Ph.D.
Université de Montréal
Sara Lamorte
University Health Network-PMH
Mary Charline
Université de Montréal
Fouillen Aurélien
Université de Montréal
Julie Lajoie
University of Manitoba
Alexandra King
Simon Fraser University
Guy Lemay
Université de Montréal
Jiangping Wu
University of Montreal
Matthew Pamenter
University of Ottawa
Dr. Sohail Naushad
University of Calgary
Catherine Thériault
CHU de Québec
Juan-Carlos Padilla
Insitut de recherches cliniques de Montreal (IRCM)
Dominique Trudel
Yaein Shim
University of British Columbia
Jenifer Spence
University of British Columbia
Andre David Chevrier
The Hospital for Sick Children
Rajeet Singh Saluja
McGill University
Artur Luczak
University of Lethbridge
Cathy Vaillancourt
Russell Viirre
Ryerson University
Sarah Kimmins
McGill University
Francois Robert
Laurent Sabbagh
University of Montreal
Daniel Lamarre
Universite de Montreal
Jean-François Bouchard
Université de Montréal
Armin Gamper
University of Alberta
Christopher Ablenas
McGill University
Carles Vilarino-Guell
The University of British Columbia
Jaafar Amro
Université de Montréal
Julien ghislain
Centre de recherche chum
Philippe Cloutier
Mingju Cao
McGill University
Elie abed
Centre de recherche de l’université de Montréal
Claude Kauffmann
Pierre Aslanian
Université de Montréal
Angana Mukherjee
Laval University
Hassan FAHMI
CRCHUM, University of Montreal
Stephane Roy
Université de Montréal
Aimee Ryan
McGill University – Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Yanna Ma
University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Jim Xiang, Professor
University of Saskatchewan
Florian Joly
Logan Kyle Smith
McGill University
Yi Sheng
York University
Joseph Longo
University of Toronto
Josee Martel
Institut de Recherche du Centre Universitaire de Santé McGill
Simon Lessard
Harvey W. Smith
Goodman Cancer Research Centre, McGill University
Megan Levings
University of British Columbia
Tom Kovala
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Élise Roy
Université de Sherbrooke
Christine Vande Velde
Associate Professor, Universite de Montreal
Marie-Pierre Sylvestre
Université de Montréal / Centre de recherche du CHUM
Simon Girard
Catherine Card
University of Manitoba
Frieder Schoeck
McGill University, Department of Biology
Julie Lafond PhD
Dept. Sciences Biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal,
Colin Graydon
University of Manitoba
Huasheng Wang
University of Western Ontario
Linda Polka
McGill University
Ruey-Chyi Su
University of Manitoba
Gregory C. Addicks
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Fanny Gaignier
Centre recherche du CHU de Québec – Laval University
Ryan Pardy
McGill University
Marie Mathieu
University of Montreal
Virginie Sanguin Gendreau
mcgill University Goodman Cancer Center
Mehrbod Estaki
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Claudia L. R. Gonzalez
University of Lethbridge
Serge McGraw
Centre de Recherche du CHU Ste-Justine, Université de Montréal
Claire Ménard
Centre de recherche du CHU de Québec
Philippe Debanné
Dept. of Computer and Software Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal
Claire Ménard
Centre recherche du CHU de Québec
Jeehye Park
The Hospital for Sick Children
Torin Glass
University of Toronto
Sara Makaremi
PhD Candidate at McMaster University
Fabien Dal Maso
McGill; Universite de Montreal
Gurdeep Singh
University of Toronto
Gurpreet Kaur Aulakh
University of Saskatchewan
Sam Kung
University of Manitoba
Cherise Hedlin
University of Saskatchewan
James Sanders
University of Lethbridge
Raymond J Turner
University of Calgary
Bryan Koivisto
Ryerson University
Denice Bay
University of Manitoba
Penny D’Agnone
University of Lethbridge
Douglas Millar
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Paul McLaren
University of Manitoba
Charles Yin
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Marija Landekic, M.Sc.
McGill University
Michael Boffa
University of Western Ontario
Warren Wakarchuk
Ryerson University, Chemistry and Biology
Karine Robitaille
Université Laval
Xuejian Xiong
Hospital for Sick Children
Silvia Selleri
Université de Montréal
Thomas Klonisch
University of Manitoba
Ma Luo
University of Manitoba
Nathalie Beaudoin
Université de Sherbrooke
Marc Drolet
Université de Montréal
Alan Deng
Universite de Montreal
Dr André Poirier MD M.Sc.
Russell Jones
McGill University
John Pascal
Université de Montréal
Tarun Arya
University of Montreal
Dominic Gagnon
Université Laval
Melanie Rouleau
Centre de recherche du CHU de Quebec
Joanne Paquin
Université du Québec à Montréal
Stephanie Condotta
McGill University
Roxanne Vandenbeek
Stephanie Hallee
Centre de Recherche en Infectiologie- Université Laval
Nathalie Sanon
CHU Ste-Justine
Dave Richard
Université Laval
France-Hélène Joncas
Université Laval
Francois Robichaud
Université de Montréal
Kathie Béland
CHU Sainte-Justine
Murray Junop
Western University, Biochemistry
Andre Tchernof
Laval University
Alberto Martin
University of Toronto
Denise St-Onge
CHU de Québec
Michele Anderson
Sunnybrook Research Institute and University of Toronto
Valérie Picard
Université Laval
Subburaj Ilangumaran, Ph.D.
Université de Sherbrooke
Roger Moorehead
University of Guelph
Robert Inman
University of Toronto
Adam Nelson
Dalhousie University
Alison Gareau
Dalhousie University, IWK Health Centre
Terry Lynn LeVatte
Reaearch Technician
Marie-Laurence Tremblay
IWK Health Center
Simon Gebremeskel
Dalhousie university
Heather L. Wilson, PhD
University of Saskatchewan
Jean-Claude Lavoie
Département de nutrition, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal
Gabriel E. DiMattia
Western University and London Health Sciences Centre
Maria Jose Martin
Francis Crick Institute
Brian K. Chung
University of Birmingham / University of Oslo
Ali Abdul Sater
York University
Peter Siegel
McGill University
Linda Chelico
University of Saskatchewan
Neeloffer Mookherjee
Associate Professor
Glenn Harmonic
Josie Ursini-Siegel
Investigator, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research
Gregor Reid
University of British Columbia
Jesper Sjöström
McGill University
Brian Chen
McGill University
Debby Burshtyn
University of Alberta
Konstantinos Pantopoulos
McGill University
Michael Murphy
University of British Columbia
Daniel Serrano
Université de Sherbrooke
Scott McAuley
University of Toronto
Keith Fowke
University of Manitoba
David E. Isenman
University of Toronto
Hospital for Sick Children
Lee-Hwa Tai
Universite de Sherbrooke
Caroline Schild-Poulter
Western University
Nikunj Gevariya
Laval University
Frederic Barabe
Universite Laval
Karl Riabowol
University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine and Tom Baker Cancer Centre
Kristi Baker
University of Alberta
Ralph Pantophlet
Simon Fraser University
Sabrin Mishel
Immunology Department, University of Toronto
Nathalie Arbour
Université de Montreal, CRCHUM
Naglaa Shoukry
University of Montreal
Alain Bergeron
Université Laval
JC Zuniga-Pflucker
Dept. of Immunology, University of Toronto & Sunnybrook Research Inst.
Martin Olivier
McGill University
Jorg Fritz
Associate Professor, McGill University
Christopher Rudulier
University of Saskatchewan
Brian Dixon
Biology: University of Waterloo
John R Gordon
Department of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan
Jerome Gauvin Lepage
University of Montreal
Jacques Thibodeau
U de Montréal
Oscar A. Aguilar
University of Toronto
Dr. Lakshman Gunaratnam
Western University
Manu Rangachari
Laval University
Hélène Decaluwe
Université de Montréal, CHU Sainte-Justine
Teresa O’Meara
University of Toronto
Erika Daley
University of Toronto
Amine Driouchi
University of Toronto
Kathryn Chan
Jocelyn Poissant
University of Exeter
Mariya Cherkasova
University of British Columbia
Bastien Casu
Université de Montréal
Samuel Jacques
IRIC (université de Montréal)
Samir Rahman
Universite de Montreal
Karthik Eswara
Graduate student, Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal
Pierre Rainville
Université de Montréal
Alexey Pshezhetsky
Professor, University of Montreal, CHU Ste-JJustine
Mathieu Laplante
Université Laval
Fred Mast
Center for Infectious Disease Research
Shane Harding
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania
Daniel Dehany Scott
Post-doctoral Researcher, Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montreal
Dr Eric Rassart
Aurora Nedelcu
University of New Brunswick
Peter Louis Carlen
UHN and U of T
Robert Montgomerie
Queen’s University
Daniel C.L. Robinson
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Mahzad Sharifahmadian
Universite de Montreal
François Dragon
Université du Québec à Montréal
Andreas Klapper
Jack Brzezinski
Hospital for Sick Children
Marc Lavertu
Polytechnique Montreal
Jean Séguin
Université de Montréal et CHU Ste-Justine
François Roberge
Cité de la Santé de Laval
Paul LaPointe
Department of Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta
Isabelle Plante
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Antigoni Morou
Chantal Mayer-Crittenden
Université Laurentienne
Ute Kothe
University of Lethbridge
Denis Girard
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
John Andrew Nelson Alexander
University of British Columbia
Kelsey Huus
University of British Columbia
Julie Lavoie
Université de Montréal
Erum Razvi
The Hospital for Sick Children
Alexandra Bodnaruc
Univeristé d’Ottawa, Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital Montfort
Roman Melnyk
The Hospital for Sick Children
Amy Baxter
John Girgis
University of Ottawa
Marc Lussier
Université du Québec à Montréal
Marc Germain
Université du Québec Trois-Rivières
Dr. Vicki Friesen
Queen’s University, Department of Biology
Su min (Lisa) Wei
BC Genome Sciences Center
Hindra Hindra
The Scripps Reseach Institute
David Hik
Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
Sherri Christian
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Stefanie Vogt
University of British Columbia
Judy Truong
University of Toronto
Karen Reid
University of British Columbia
Benoit Barbeau
Université du Québec à Montréal
Mathew Truong
University of Toronto
Francis Rodier
Université de Montréal
Blair Hardman
University of British Columbia
Mary McQuaid
Université de Montréal
Nathalie Brassard
Léa Décarie-Spain
Centre de recherche du CHUM, Université de Montréal
Kristin Hope
McMaster University, Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute
Morgan Roberts
University of British Columbia
Hilary Snider
Queen’s University
Yogesh Hooda
PhD student
Marion Lacroix
Eliza S. Lee
University of Toronto
Anne-Marie Mes-Masson
Université de Montréal
Rajashekhar Kamalampeta
University of Lethbridge
Conrad Fernandez
Dalhousie University
Norman Rosenblum
Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Sharon Pollock
Etienne Melese
University of British Columbia
Maria Davis
University of New Brunswick
Colin Garroway
University of Manitoba
Elaine Goh
University of Toronto
Gary Slater
Université d’Ottawa
Gregory Kelly
Western University
Corey Pollock
Karina Maynard
Francis Beaudry
Université de Montréal
Pierre Beaulieu
Université de Montréal
Anne-Claude Gingras
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital
Tyler A. Elliott
University of Guelph
M Alex Smith
University of Guelph
Sean McCotter
University of British Columbia
Megan Barker
Simon Fraser University
Robert Nelles
Lawyer – Citizen
Francois Jean
University of British Columbia
Tara Akhshi
University of Toronto
David Bettschen
U of S
Eilean McKenzie-Matwiy
CancerCare Manitoba
Alan R. Davidson
University of Toronto
Dr. Daniel Schramek
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Institute/University of Toronto
Daniel Kaufmann
University of Montreal
Geneviève Demers
Université de Montréal
Kazue Semba
Dalhousie University
Nivretta Thatra
UBC Bioinformatics
Dr Kanagaraj Radhakrishnan
The Francis Crick Institute
Michel Bouvier
Institut de recherche en Immunologie et Cancérologie, Université de Montréal
Jean Sévigny
Université Laval
Louis De Beaumont
Université de Montréal
Zoe Kirste
Jonathan Coleman
Oregon Health & Science University
Heyu Ni
University of Toronto, Canadian Blood Services Centre for Innovation, St. Michael’s Hospital
Tina Sing
University of Toronto
Richard M Plunkett
University of British Columbia
Heather Filyk
University of British Columbia
Monica Rodrigo-Brenni
The Francis Crick Institute
Angela Brooks-Wilson
Simon Fraser University
Nicholas Irwin
University of British Columbia
Grant Mitchell
CHU Sainte-Justine and Université de Montréal
James R. Smiley
University of Alberta
Jean-Sébastien Joyal
Assistant Professor, Paediatrics
Maxim Kolesnikov
Franz Fenninger
Shelagh D Campbell
University of Alberta
Daniel Drucker
LTRI University of Toronto
Naguib Mechawar
McGill University
Anindya Ghsoh
PhD Student
Paul Delgado Olguin
The Hospital for Sick Children
Gordon Wyatt
Business Management Coach
Shannon Coleman
University of British Columbia
Israel Matos
University of British Columbia
Alanna Watt
McGill University
Henrique Bittencourt
CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal
Mihai CIrstea
Abdalla Sheikh
Sophie Calmé
Université de Sherbrooke
Pauline Johnson
University of British Columbia
David H St-Pierre
CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center / UQAM
Heather-Dawn Wood
Seung-Hwan Lee
University of Ottawa
Maria Vladimirov
University of Toronto
Lindsay Eltis
The University of British Columbia
David Langelaan
Dalhousie University
Aurèle Besse-Patin
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal
Andrew Iwaniuk
University of Lethbridge
Rui Huang
University of Toronto
Véronique Provencher
Université Laval
Jay M Baltz
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and University of Ottawa
Martin Lepage
Université de Sherbrooke
Kathleen Orrell
University of Toronto, The Hospital For Sick Children
Julia Plakhotnik
University of Toronto
Kasper Fugger
The Francis Crick Institute, UK
Jennifer Hunt
Simoun Icho
University of Toronto
Yvan Samson
CHU Sainte-Justine – Université de Montréal
Isabelle Chenier
Rhea Hudson
Hospital for Sick Children
Josette Noël
Université de Montréal
Sergio Grinstein
The Hospital for Sick Children
Jean-Philippe Gratton
Université de Montréal
Jennifer L. Estall
Pierre Teira
CHU Sainte Justine, Université de Montréal
Elsa Rossignol
Université de Montréal, Département de Neurosciences, CHU Ste-Justine
Christopher Rose
CRCHUM, Université de Montreal
Lewis E Kay
University of Toronto
Michel Duval
CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal
Etienne Gagnon
Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer / Université de Montréal
université de montréal (IRIC)
Avijit Chakrabartty
University Health Network
Antoine Simoneau
Université de Montréal
Bruno Larrivée
Université de Montréal
Vincent Poupart
Amelia Catherine Hunter
University of British Columbia
Andrew Foster
Jumi A. Shin
University of Toronto
Sherin Ali nawaito
Montreal University
Thamiya Vasanthakumar
University of Toronto
Kyle Lewis
McGill University
Jean-Baptiste Leca
University of Lethbridge
Jeremy Hirota
McMaster University
Lisa Muiznieks
Hospital for Sick Children
Jérôme Roy
CRCHUM Montreal
Mohammad T. Mazhab-Jafari
Research Fellow
Anne Gatignol
McGill University
Aaron Goodarzi
University of Calgary
Martin Pelletier
Université Laval
Mary M. Stevenson
McGill University
Noah Manczyk
University of Toronto
Monnier Philippe
Senior Scientist, University Health Network
Zoha Kibar
University of Montreal
Sarah C. Woolley
McGill University
Doorsa Tarazi
University of Toronto
Balwantray Chauhan
Dalhousie University
Petronela Ancuta
Université de Montréal
Patrick Davidson
University of Ottawa
Cara Haney
The University of British Columbia
Joan M Boggs
University of Toronto and Hospital for Sick Children
Marc-Antoine Boucher
École Polytechnique
Meg Rashev
McMaster University
Amira Klip
The Hospital for Sick Children
Anne Gallagher
Université de Montréal
Alexandre Fisette
Université de Montréal
Nabil G Seidah
IRCM, Laboratory of Biochemcial Neurodendocrinology
Geoff Lundell-Smith
University of Toronto
Anastassia Pogoutse
University of Toronto
Khalil Bouyakdan
Université de Montréal
Ellen van Rensburg
Queen’s University
Eduardo Rojas
McMaster University
Dr. Janice Lawrence
University of New Brunswick
Dany Garant
Université de Sherbrooke
Elie Ritch
University of British Columbia
- George Fantus
University of Toronto Mount Sinai Hospital Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Mark Samuels
University of Montreal
Bronte Johnston
Kris Poduska
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Mari Kaartinen
McGill University
Dylan Girodat
University of Lethbridge
Valerie Wallace
Krembil Research Institute
Laurent Seroude
Queen’s university
Emily Meyers
University of Ottawa
Brandy Hyndman
Queen’s University
Hannah Robinson
Kristoffer N Jensen
University of British Columbia
Dongsoo Lee
BC Cancer Agency
Tessa Bendyshe-Walton
University of British Columbia
Heather Lau
University of Toronto
Kelsie Doering
University of British Columbia
Andras Kapus
Univesrity of Toronto
Moldovan Florina
Université de Montréal
Damian Labuda
Université de Montréal
Kelly Tedrick
University of Alberta
Mei Zhen
Lunenfeld Research Institute
Ryszard Grygorczyk
University of Montreal
Shawn Xiong
University of Toronto, Lunenfel-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Blair MacDonald
The Hospital for Sick Children – University of Toronto
Avinash Sheshachalam
University of Alberta
Satu Strandman
University of Montreal
Maja Krajinovic
Université de Montréal
Jasmin Coulombe-Huntington
Université de Montréal
Christine Bear
SickKids Hospital
Régis Pomès
Hospital for Sick Children
Simon Wisnovsky
University of Toronto
James Michael Rini
Depts of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, University of Toronto
Stefan Parent
Université de Montréal
Grant W Brown
University of Toronto
Davinder Kaur
University of Lethbridge
Daniel Burnside
Carleton University
Daniel Lajeunesse
Université de Montréal
Daniel Burnside
Carleton University
Oliver Ernst
University of Toronto
Noël Raynal
Université de Montréal
Sang Hyun Lim
University of Toronto
Natalia Moskal
University of Toronto
Emilie Dumontier
Montreal Neurological Institute
Andres Finzi
Université de Montréal
Peter Lewis
University of Toronto
Stephane Angers
University of Toronto
Sian Patterson
University of Toronto
Martin Daniel-Ivad
University of Toronto
Christopher Ing
The Hospital for Sick Children
Dustin Smith
Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute, University of Lethbridge
Alexander Orazietti
University of Toronto
Amos Hundert
Dalhousie University
Christine Gabardo
University of Toronto
Robyn Shortt
University of New Brunswick
Rene Harrison
University of Toronto
Caroline Gilbert
Université Laval
Walter HA Kahr, MD, PhD, FRCPC
The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Charles Deber
Research Institute, Hospital for Sick Children & University of Toronto
Tamara Franklin
Dalhousie University
Michael J Hendzel
University of Alberta
Martin Schmeing
McGill University
Justin Vigar
Alberta RNA Research and Training Institute
Paul G. Hayes
University of Lethbridge
Tod Thiele
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Audrey Caron
University of Ottawa
Taylor Sheahan
University of Lethbridge
Rhys Hakstol
University of Lethbridge
Luc Roberts
UofL Graduate Student
Laura Eme
Dalhousie University
Carolina Ortiz
University of Alberta
Samira Samtleben
University of Alberta
Patricia Tonin
McGill University & The Research Institute of McGill University
Richard Wozniak
Department of Cell Biology
Marie Dumont
Université de Montréal
Robert Benkoczi
University of Lethbridge
Jonathan Brouillette
Université de Montréal
Marco Festa-Bianchet
Université de Sherbrooke
Daphne Goring
University of Toronto
Samuel Baron
Simon Fraser University
Julie Brill
The Hospital for Sick Children
Greg Pyle
University of Lethbridge
Oksana Okorokov
University of Toronto and The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute
Theresa Burg
University of Lethbridge
Hiren Banerjee
Department of Cell Biology, University of Alberta
Nathalie Bourassa
Polytechnique Montréal
Leah Cahill
Dalhousie University
Emily Tang
Goodman Cancer Research Centre
Paul H. Roy
Université Laval
Eric Lian
Queen’s University
Joel Bryan Dacks
Department of Cell Biology, University of Alberta
Rabah Dabouz
McGill University
Jonathon Asa
University of Totonto
Matthew Anderson-Baron
University of Alberta
Hideto Takahashi
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Maneka Chitiprolu
University of Ottawa
Cathy Barr
Hospital for Sick Children and University Health Network
Benoît Lamarche
Laval University
Marie Kmita
Institut de Recherches Cliniques de Montréal
Rod Bremner
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Michael William Sannino
MWS Technologies Incorporated
Blanchet, Pierre
Département de stomatologie, Université de Montréal
Elisabeth Richardson
University of Alberta
Maria Cristina Nostro
University Health Network
Gisèle Mainville
Université de Montréal
John Rubinstein
The Hospital for Sick Children and The University of Toronto
Marc R Roussel
University of Lethbridge
Sabah Hussain
McGill University
Voula Kanelis
University of Toronto
Gerry Johnston
Dalhousie University
Stacey Wetmore
University of Lethbridge
Brett Clelland
Parlee McLaws LLP, Edmonton
Madiha Khan
University of Toronto
Anthony Gramolini
University of Toronto
Andrew Kenneth Jameson Boyce
University of Victoria
Lael Barlow
University of Alberta, Dept Cell Biology
Jean-François Gagnon
Adnane Sellam
Université Laval-CHUQ Research center
Ron Leslie
Dalhousie University
William Baldridge
Dalhousie University
Houman Moteshareie
Carleton University
Sherry Stewart
Dalhousie University
Christopher McMaster
Dalhousie University
Andrew McArthur
Associate Professor, McMaster University
Caitlin Fowler
University of McGill
Keir Menzies
University of Ottawa
John F. Connolly
McMaster University
Paul H. Naccache
Université Laval
Martin Alda
Dalhousie University
David Hoskin
Dalhousie University
Lucas Jarche
Dalhousie University
Shawn MacLellan
University of New Brunswick
Kim Good
Dalhousie University
Cindy Zhang
The Hospital for Sick Children
Sylvie Girard
Universite de Montreal
Viktor Steimle
Université de Sherbrooke
Bryan Douglas Crawford
University of New Brunswick
Tom Woo
University of Ottawa
Turgay Akay
Dalhousie University
Stephen B. Heard
University of New Brunswick
Xianping Dong
Dalhousie University
Andrew Warren
Dalhousie University
Gary W Saunders
Biology, University of New Brunswick
Gregory McCluskey
Dalhousie University
Jesse Leblanc
Queen’s University
Danielle Malo
Université McGill
Jen Power
Queen’s University
Richard Blouin
Université de Sherbrooke
Carolyn-Ann Robinson
Dalhousie University
Linda Quattrin
University of Toronto
Louis Flamand
Université Laval
Andrew Roger
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Dalhousie University
philippe.tessier Tessier
Université Laval
Bruce Crooks
Dalhousie University
Eric Thorin
Professeur, Université de Montréal
Marc Belisle
Departement de biologie, Universite de Sherbrooke
Andrew Makrigiannis
Dalhousie University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology
Eric Pringle
Dalhousie University
Gilles Lavigne
Faculte medecine dnetiare, Université Montreal et Centre recherche CIUSS Nors Ile Montreal
Claudio Slamovits
Dalhousie University
Zhenyu Cheng
Dalhousie University
Petra Kienesberger
Dalhousie University
John Hanly
Dalhousie University
Andrea McCormick
Dalhousie University
Laura-Anne Male
Hospital for Sick Children
Jun Wang
Dalhousie University
Paola Marcato
Dalhousie University
John Kearney
The Hospital for Sick Children
Peter Moffett
Université de Sherbrooke
Andrew Craig
Queen’s University
Vincent Burrus
Université de Sherbrooke
Bryan Heit
University of Western Ontario
Steeve Pepin
Université Laval
Lucie Parent
Universite de Montreal – Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal
Lioudmila Tepliakova
University of Ottawa
Jingkui Chen
ecole polytechnique de montreal
Léon Sanche
Université de Sherbrooke
Peter Pennefather
University of Toronto
Remi Rabasa-Lhoret
Aurélie Barbe
Université du Québec à Montréal
Aimy Andraos
Patricia Brubaker, PhD, FRSC
University of Toronto
Kenton Ko
Queen’s University
Francois-Michel Boisvert
Université de Sherbrooke
Erin Kennedy
University of Ottawa
Grant Vandenberg
Université Laval
Irene Londono
Ste-Justine Hospital Research Ctr/ Ecole Polytechnique
John T. Fisher
Queen’s University
Yves Desjardins
INAF, Université Laval
Penney M. Gilbert
University of Toronto
Steve Mortin-Toth
The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute
Troy A McDiarmid
Univerisity of British Columbia
Seyed Hossein Seyedmehdi
Mehran Karimzadeh
University of Toronto
Eric Lecuyer
IRCM/Université de Montréal/McGill University
Savraj Grewal
University of Calgary
Therence Bois
Université de Montréal
Joseph McPhee
Ryerson University
Francis Lynn
Houssam Ismail
Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC), University of Montreal
Pierre Mattar
Ildiko Grandal
The Hospital For Sick Children Research Institute
Christina Gagnon
Université de Montréal
Paul Angers
Université Laval
Rüdiger Krahe
McGill University
Javier M Di Noia
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal
John Joseph Kelly
University of Western Ontario
Andre Longtin
Universite d’Ottawa
Hong-Shuo Sun
University of Toronto
Zhong-Ping Feng
University of Toronto
Shrivani Pirahas
University of Calgary
Krista Heinonen
INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
Godwin Chan
McMaster University
Alex Quinn
Dalhousie University
Frederic Charron
IRCM/U de Montreal/McGill
Fred Dick
Western University
Amélie Sincennes
Mohamad Sawan
Polytechnique Montreal
Ehab Abouheif
McGill University
Christian Deschepper
Université de Montréal
Woong-Kyung Suh
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal
Oraly sanchez Ferras
McGill University
Qiaolin Hu
University of Alberta
Anastassia Voronova
Hospital for Sick Children
Silvia Penuela
University of Western Ontario
Tarik Moroy
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
Martine Bail
École Polytechnique Montréal
Soumaya Zlitni
Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto
Magdalena Bugno
Bernas Guillaume
Université du Québec À Montréal
Joel Pollock
Sick Kids
Shelley Deeke
University of Ottawa
Philippe Roux
IRIC – Université de Montréal
Mohamed El Ezzy
University of Montreal, IRIC
Quentin Osseman
CRCHUM, université de Montréal
Nadia Gosselin
Université de Montréal
Morris Givner,Ph.D.,FCIC(Ret.),FCACB(Ret.),Prof.ofPath.(Ret.),Assoc.Prof .of Med.(Ret.)
Dalhousie University,Halifax,N.S.
Tore Nielsen
Université de Montréal
Line Rochefort
Université Laval
Yuankang Lu
Polytechnique de Montréal
Susanne Clee
Life Sciences Institute, University of British Columbia
Barbara Karten
Dalhousie University
Richard Aaron Cox
Baylor College of Medicine (via Western University)
Stephen Michnick
biochimie, Université de Montréal
Mohamad-Gabriel Alameh
Polytechnique de Montreal
Mac Mok
Western University
Rachel (Field) Sudbury
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Patrick Bermudez
Montreal Neurological Institute
Yevgen Nazarenko
McGill University
François-Xavier Campbell-Valois
Université d’Ottawa
Michael Reedijk
University of Toronto
Aleksander Edelman
Universite Paris Descartes
Michael Kennedy
Warren Meyers
University of British Columbia
Gaetan Mayer
Montreal Heart Institute/Université de Montréal
Jelena Kolic
UBC postdoctoral fellow
Harissios Vliagoftis
University of Alberta
Gordon Rintoul
Simon Fraser University
Amrit Boese
University of Manitoba/Public Health Agency of Canada
Karen Christensen
Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre
Marc Prentki
Université de Montréal
Sonia Gazzarrini
University of Toronto
Michel Godin
University of Ottawa
Pramod Sahadevan
University of Montreal
John Ussher
University of Alberta
Ree Zheng
University of Toronto
Neil Sweezey
The Hospital for Sick Children; University of Toronto
Thomas Simmen
University of Alberta
Paige Lacy
University of Alberta
George Chaconas
University of Calgary
Andrew Hendry
McGill University
Michael Wang
University of Toronto
Dean Befus
University of Alberta
John S.D. Chan
University of Montreal-CRCHUM
Jessica Yu
University of toronto
Elaine Leslie
University of Alberta
Shao-Ling Zhang, Ph.D.
University of Montreal-CRCHUM
Ana Filipa Roque Branco
Institut de Cardiologie de Montreal
Steven Chan
University of Toronto
Rodrigo Fernandez-Gonzalez
University of Toronto
Tamara Kelly
York University
Carine Monat
Jacques de Guise
École de technologie supérieure
Sophie Lerouge
Ecole de technologie supérieure
Kolja Eppert
McGill University
Sara Vasconcelos
University Health Network/University of Toronto
Ahmad Jomaa
ETH Zurich – Switzerland
Guy Cloutier
Université de Montréal
Hanieh Mohammadi
PhD stundets of BIomedical Eng
Julian Zhu
Université de Montréal
Charlene Hoi
Vincent Jacquemet
Université de Montréal
Guillaume Lettre
Montreal Heart Institute / Université de Montréal
François Michaud
Université de Montréal
Tanzila Wasi
McMaster University
Elise Caron
Nicolas Bousette
University of Montreal
Lisa Renaud
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Pierre Bellec
CRIUGM/DIRO University of Montreal
Jody Culham
Western University
Nathalie Lamarche-Vane
McGill University Health Center Research Institute
Benjamin H. Kwok
IRIC – Université de Montréal
Montreal Heart Institute
Shahab Meshkibaf
SickKids Hospital
Melanie A Woodin
University of Toronto
Joel Watts
University of Toronto
Carlos Reyes Moreno
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Dept. Biologie Médicale
Dorothy Moore
McGill University
Jeffrey Hudson
University of Saskatchewan
Joshua Milstein
Department of Physics and IBBME, University of Toronto
Faraz Honarvar
University of Toronto
Raafay Syed Ali
University of Toronto
mostafa esmael
Robin Yates
University of Calgary
Monica Dixon
University of Toronto
François Belzile
Université Laval
Dushyant Jahagirdar
McMaster University
Dr. Khosrow Adeli
The Hospital for Sick Children
Alessandra Granato
Hospital for Sick Children
Soret Rodolphe
Université du Québec à Montréal
Brian Golbourn
Hospital for sick Children
Tatiana Cardinal
Université du Québec À Montréal
Constantin Polychronakos
McGill University Health Centre
Félix-Antoine Bérubé-Simard
Université du québec à Montréal
Ritu Sarpal
University of Toronto
Daphne Fernandes
University of Alberta
Guido Veit
McGill University
Yao Shen
McMaster University
Gregor Fussmann
McGill University
Kelvin Jones
University of Alberta
Normand Cyr
Université de Montréal
Simon Wing
McGill University Health Centre and McGill University
Yixie Zhang
University of Toronto
Karen Maxwell
University of Toronto
Jehannine Austin
University of British Columbia
Janice Bailey
Université Laval
Bruce G Allen
Université de Montréal
Jean-Paul Paluzzi
York University
Marc McKee
McGill University
Andre Haman
IRIC-Universite de Montreal
Javier Giorgi
University of Ottawa
Gilles A. Robichaud
Université de Moncton
Linda Liu
McMaster University
Gilles A. Robichaud
Université de Moncton
Brigitte Guérin
Université de Sherbrooke
Sophie Viala
McGill University
Cristobal Lopez Jimenez
University of Guelph
Maxime Parisotto
Université de Montréal
Martin Frasch
CHU Ste-Justine Centre de Recherche, Université de Montréal
Perrin Baker
The Hospital for Sick Children
Sylvie Mader
Université de Montréal
Robin Clugston
University of Alberta
Shayna Deecker
University of Toronto
Tracie Pennimpede
Queen’s University
Cynthia Guidos
Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute & University of Toronto
Puttaswamy Manjunath
University of Montreal
Luc Tremblay
Université de Moncton
Cristian O’Flaherty
McGill University
Tyler Wenzel
University of British Columbia Okanagan
Alesya Evstratova
Laval University
Will Scott
University of Toronto
Candice Quin
University of British Columbia
Alexander Oberc
McMaster Univeristy
Serisha Moodley
Queen’s University
Erin Feldman
Som Niyogi
University of Saskatchewan
Bryson Sjodin
University of British Columbia
Nathan Rutherford
University of Toronto
Tania Watts
University of Toronto
Marjorie Brand
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Michael Rauh
Queen’s University
Mary Forrest
University of British Columbia
Jayne Danska
Hospital for Sick Children and University of Toronto
Jenny Bruin
Carleton University
Arghya Basu
NanoSpeed Diagnostics Inc
Joyce Wong
University of Alberta (alumna)
Peter Greer
Queen’s University
Benjamin Johnston
Dalhousie University
Crystal Ng
University of Toronto
conghui guo
the hospital for sick children
Jason Ng
University of Toronto
Prof. David B. Williams
University of Toronto
Tegan Haslam
University of British Columbia
Kenneth Wilson
University of Saskatchewan
Hector Ariel Roldan
McGill University
Brenda Andrews
University of Toronto
Michael Chiu
Former Graduate Student
Ljerka Kunst
University of British Columbia
Dr. Edwin Embrey Daniel
Professor Emeritus, University of Alberta
Wendy Lou
University of Toronto
Tao Jiang
University of Toronto
Nicolas Pilon
Université du Québec à Montréal
Denise Belsham
Professor, University of Toronto
Ruiqi Cai
University of Alberta
martin beaulieu
University of Toronto
Louis Ho
University of Toronto
Pierre Leclerc
Université Laval
Anna van Werignh
University of Toronto
Tom Claydon
Simon Fraser University
Andrea Green
Université de Montréal, Dépt de Neurosciences
Michel Cayouette
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal
Roger Lecomte
Université de Sherbrooke
Simon La Charité-Harbec
RI-MUHC McGill University
Jennifer Corcoran
Dalhousie University
Deanna Gibson
Jacob Krich
University of Ottawa
Lisheng Wang
University of Ottawa
Harley Kurata
University of Alberta
Andrew Pelling
University of Ottawa
Jennifer Doucet
University of Toronto
Hyun Kyung Lee
University of Toronto
Vincent Duronio
UBC Medicine
Denys Khaperskyy
Dalhousie University
Ross MacGillivray
University of British Columbia
Victoria Marko
McMaster University
Aadil Bharwani
McMaster University
Edith Giasson
Université de Montréal
Emmanuelle Brochiero
CRCHUM / Université de Montréal
Craig McCormick
Dalhousie University
Courtney Quiring
University of Saskatchewan
Imogen Coe
Ryerson University
Allan Becker
University of Manitoba
Steven Greenway
University of Calgary
Roberto Chica
Université d’Ottawa
Charlene Clow
University of Ottawa
Pierre Dagenais
Université de Montréal
Diana Lefebvre
McMaster University
Maxwell Shafer
PhD Candidate, McGill University
Sophie Lauzier
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universtié Laval
Kevin Foley
Post doctoral fellow McMaster University
Stephen Newman
University of Ottawa
Meghan Azad
University of Manitoba
Nadia Morson
University of Toronto
Michael Kobor
University of British Columbia
Saad Enouri
University of Guelph
- Tom Baker
University of Ottawa
Mohamed Idrissa Moussa
Université de Montréal
Numa Dancause
Université de Montreal
Pascale B. Beauregard
Université de Sherbrooke
Rudy Boonstra
University of Toronto
Alexander Harrison
CRCHUM-McGill University
Natalia Zamorano
CRCHUM – Université de Montréal
Dennis Vance
University of Alberta
Steven J. Cooke
Carleton University & the Canadian Aquatic Resources Section of American Fisheries Society
Sylvie Giroux
CHU de Québec-HSFA -Université laval
Vince Tropepe
University of Toronto
John Parkinson
Hospital for Sick Children
Elena Arutyunova
University of Alberta
Pascale Legault
Université de Montréal
Mary-Ellen Harper
University of Ottawa
Audray Fortin
CRCHUM-Université de Montréal
Alexandre Marécahl
Assistant Professor, Université de Sherbrooke
Gareth Armanious
PhD Student, UAlberta
Chong Jiang
Hospital for Sick Children
Mathieu Quesnel-Vallières
University of Toronto
Kjetil Ask
McMaster University
Paul Dallaire
Université de Montréal
Moises Freitas-Andrade
University of British Columbia
Susana Andres
The Hospital for Sick Children
Lida Langroudi
Department of Cell and Systems Biology, University of Toronto
Nicole Leclerc
Université de Montréal
Kenneth Welch
University of Toronto Scarborough
Dafna Sussman
The Hospital for Sick Children
Stephanie Fulton
CRCHUM- Université de Montréal
Martin Lefrançois
Université de Montréal
Mathieu Tremblay
McGill University
May Faraj
University of Montreal/Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal (IRCM)
Alexa Robitaille
Centre de recherche du CHUM
Bebhinn Treanor
University of Toronto
Brenda Lynn Coomber
University of Guelph
Bebhinn Treanor
University of Toronto
John Saber
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute / University of Ottawa
Phillip Karpowicz
University of Windsor
Yan Li
The Hospital for Sick Children
Nicolas Cermakian
Université McGill
Adriano Senatore
University of Toronto Mississauga
Graciela Pineyro
Université de Montéal
Franck Duong
University of British Columbia
Sarah Lepage
University of Guelph
Sergey N Krylov
Vashine Kamesan
MBS Student-University of Guelph
Jane Mitchell
University of Toronto
Jason Wen
University of Toronto
Stephanie Marie Prezioso
University of Toronto
Marla Sokolowski
University of Toronto
Francois Rousseau MD MSc FRCPC FCAHS
Université Laval and CHU de Québec Research Center
Amélie Fradet-Turcotte
Université Laval
Johannes Frasnelli
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- Andrew White
York University
Louis-Eric Trudeau
Université de Montréal
Catherine Crawford-Brown
Queen’s University
Nicole Lyons
Hospital for Sick Children
Tony Harris
University of Toronto
Gil Privé
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Nien-Tzu Nancy Chang
Sickkids hospital
Tarek M Saleh
University of Guelph
Jonathan Lytton
University of Calgary
xiong liu
university of alberta
Laura de Rooij
PhD Candidate
Melanie Dobson
Dalhousie University
Brian MacVicar
University of British Columbia
Debajyoti Dutta
Post doctoral Fellow
Michael Overduin
University of Alberta
Marek Michalak
University of Alberta
Nicolas Dumont
Université de Montréal
Xing-Zhen Chen
University of Alberta
Robert Huber
Trent University
David Hansen
University of Calgary
Daniel St-Cyr
Université de Montréal
Arun Shunmugam
National Research Council, Saskatoon, Canada
Arlette Kolta
University of Montreal
Sabine Herblot
CHU Sainte-Justine, Université de Montréal
Karen Mossman
McMaster University
Tom Hobman
University of Alberta
Emanuel Rosonina
York University
Andrew Quaile
University of Toronto
Roopali Chaudhary, PhD
McMaster University
Gordon Chan
University of Alberta
Barry I Posner
McGill University
Dr. Nancy F. Silva- Gagliardi
Sick Kids
Gareth Williams
University of Calgary
Olivier Julien
University of California, San Francisco
Sébastien Giguère
Private Industry
John McDermott
York University
Robert Hamilton
Renata Bahous
McGill University Health Center
Lea Harrington
Université de Montréal
Cheryl Arrowsmith
Pricess Margaret Cancer Centre/ University of Toronto
Sanja Pajovic
Hospital for Sick Children
Michael Pryszlak
University of Toronto
Frederic Bretzner
Université Laval
Adrienne Benediktsson
Mount Royal University
Jian Yang
University of Saskatchewan
Laura Murray
University of Western Ontario
Michael A. Wosnick
(Former) VP Research, Canadian Cancer Society (retired)
Sylvain Tollis
Université de Montréal
Chi-chung Hui
The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute
Rotem Lavy
University of Alberta
James MacKillop
McMaster University
Helen Dimaras
The Hospital for Sick Children / The University of Toronto
Kevin To
University of Toronto/Hospital for Sick Children
Shawn Hercules
McMaster University
Darren E. Richard
Université Laval
Boris Dyakov
Graduate Student Researcher, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute at Mount Sinai Hospital
Dr. Antonis Koromilas
McGill University
Atef Sahli
Laval University
Patrice Potvin
Université du Québec à Montréal
Chris Baker
The Hospital for Sick Children
Eric I Campos
Hospital for Sick Children
Cally Ho
Haley Wyatt
University of Toronto
Juliet Daniel
McMaster University
Elizabeth Conibear
University of British Columbia
Isabelle Soulieres
Psychologie, Université du Québec à Montréal
Isabelle Rouleau
Université du Québec à Montréal
Dave Saint-Amour
Université du Québec à Montréal
Michael James
University of Alberta
Veronique Lisi
Jim Johnson
Craig Urekar
The Hospital for Sick Children
Rene Jacobs
University of Alberta
Ling Li
Hospital for Sick Children
Richard Pon
University of Calgary
Randal N Johnston
University of Calgary
Philippe Huot
Universite de Montreal
Alexander R Moise
Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Emmanuelle Cordat
University of Alberta
Luisa Izzi
Université de Montréal
Kristen Conn
University of Alberta
bijan Rafii
Hospital for Sick Children
john moniakis
The Hospital for Sick Children Research institute
Jacqueline Taylor
Heidelberg University/ German Cancer Research Center
Sanna Masud
University of Toronto
Justin MacDonald
University of Calgary
Caren Helbing
University of Victoria
Jean-Philippe Julien
The Hospital for Sick Children / University of Toronto
Michael Tyers
University of Montreal
Thomas Henry MacRae
Dalhousie University
Laura Keffer-Wilkes
Destination Exploration – University of Lethbridge
Russell Norris Smith
The Hospital for Sick Children
Richard Rachubinski
University of Alberta
Miranda Hunter
University of Toronto
Roseline Godbout
University of Alberta
Douglas A Gray
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Michael Mowat
University of Manitoba
Simon Duchesne
Université Laval
Louis-Charles Fortier
Université de Sherbrooke
Katalin Toth
Université Laval
Elaine Beaulieu
University of Ottawa
Jane Rylett
University of Western Ontario
Zhengping Jia
The Hospital for Sick Children
Pascal van Lieshout, Ph.D.
University of Toronto
Najeeb Siddiqui
The Hospital for Sick Children
noa alon
research tech hospital for sick children
Vivian Saridakis
York University
Laurence Pelletier
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Matthew Toews
École de Technologie Supérieure
Patrick MacDonald
University of Alberta
Vladimir Titorenko
Concordia University, Biology Department, Montreal
McGill University
Julie Carrier
Université de Montréal
Nancy Lévesque
McGill University
Bastien Castagner
McGill University
Michelle Francisco
The Hospital for Sick Children
Daniel Leclerc
MUHC-RI (McGill)
Youliang Lou
Hospital for Sick Children
Pascale Tremblay
Université Laval
Marc Fabian
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, McGill University
Mario Méthot
Centre de recherche de l’Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec
Mehdi Jafarnejad
McGill University
Kyungsoo Shin
Dalhousie University
Eric H. Frost
Université de Sherbrooke
Hoon-Ki Sung
Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute (SickKids Research Institute)
Behzad Yeganeh
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Marie-Odile Benoit-Biancamano
Université de Montréal
Isabelle Labonté
Université Laval
Dina Levi
Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Peter Shizgal
Concordia University
Diana Balmer
The Hospital for Sick Children
Razq Hakem
UHN/PMCC/University of Toronto
Gilles Hickson
Hôpital Sainte-Justine / Université de Montréal
Philippe Pouliot
Ecole Polytechnique Montreal
Denis Grant
University of Toronto
Aparna Bhan
The Hospital for Sick Children
Morgan Barense
University of Toronto
Tara Haas
York University
lois miraucourt
McGill University
Ilka Lorenzen-Schmidt
University of Guelph
Cynthia Goodyer
McGill University
Marie-Eve Paquet
CRIUSMQ (Université Laval)
Michael Connor
York University
Manijeh Pasdar
university of alberta
Hugo Soudeyns
Université de Montréal
Alex Vitkin
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Mario Jacques
Université de Montréal
Fraser McCready
University of Toronto
Frédérick A. Mallette
Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont / Université de Montréal
Ana Andreazza
University of Toronto
Rima Rozen
McGill University
Hugo Wurtele
Université de Montréal
Choudhary Shoaib Ahmed
Tara Moriarty
University of Toronto
Shirin Bonni
University of Calgary
Carol Hudon
Universite Laval
Marie-Hélène Boudrias
McGill University
Marc Therrien
IRIC – Université de Montréal
Stuart Fogel
University of Ottawa
Dr. Virginia Penhune
Department of Psychology, Concordia University
Jeffrey Atkinson
Brock University
Brian Raught
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Université de Montréal
Matthew J. Smith
IRIC, Université de Montréal
Mathieu Dehaes
Université de Montréal
Stuart Phillips
Dr. Eugene Tustanoff
Department of BiochemistryWestern Univerity
rakesh joshi
Western University
Dr. Ed Pryzdial
University of British Columbia, Canadian Blood Services
Dr. Eugene Tustanoff
Department of BiochemistryWestern Univerity
Luc Boudreau
Université de Moncton
Lindsay Joy Spielman
University of British Columbia
Alvin Shrier
McGill University
Chia-Yu Lin
McMaster University
Christopher Brett
Concordia University
Eric Troncy
Université de Montréal
Thomas Gisiger
McGill University
Christopher Brett
Concordia University
Paul Mains
University of Calgary
Marc Surette
Université de Moncton
Frederic Lesage
Ecole Polytechnique Montreal
Aarnoud van der Spoel
Dalhousie University
Daniel Fiset
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Louise Larose
MUHC-RI, McGill University
Philippe Després
Département de Biochimie, Bio-informatique, et Microbiologie, Université Laval
Karun Singh
McMaster University
Luc DesGroseillers
Universite de Montreal
Benoit Bessette
Université de Montréal
James G. Omichinski
Université de Montréal
Franz Lang
Universite de Montreal
Peter Cheung
York University
Dr. Fred W Keeley
Research Institute, The Hospital for Sick Children
Mikko Taipale
University of Toronto
Eric Milot
Université de Montreal
Andrew Emili
Professor, Donnelly Centre, University of Toronto
Gerald M. Fried
McGill University
Gerardo Ferbeyre
Université de Montréal
Rebecca Ganann
McMaster University
David Litchfield
Professor & Chair, Department of Biochemistry, University of Western Ontario
Lyn Turkstra
McMaster University, School of Rehabilitation Science
Catherine Laprise
Trevor Pugh
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre / University of Toronto
Rebecca Green
University of Calgary
Julie Lacombe
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal
Dr Jon Draper
McMaster University
Maya Schonbach
University of Toronto
Joanne Taylor
Providence Health
Robert Kearney
McGill University
Jean-Pierre Perreault
Université de Sherbrooke
Ming S. Tsao
University Health Network, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Robert Sladek
McGill University
Lynne Moore
Université Laval
Ives Levesque
McGill University
Stephane A. Laporte
Luigi Bouchard
Université de Sherbrooke
Rima Slim
McGill University
David Brooks
University of Toronto / Princess Margaret Cancer Center
Thomas Kislinger
University Health Network
René St-Arnaud
Université McGill
Naoto Hirano
University Health Network
Laurie Ailles
Princess Margart Cancer Centre/University of Toronto
Kim Edelstein
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto
Davide Chicco
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Francois Bachand
Université de Sherbrooke
Ashley Parr
Queen’s University
Gareth Lim
Université de Montréal
Peter Feige
University of Ottawa
Bradly G. Wouters
University Health Network
Sean Cregan
Western University
Kimberly Brewer
Dalhousie University
Samuel David
McGill University
Michiru Hirasawa
Memorial University
Christopher Rudd
University de Montreal
Wim Wolfs
St Mary’s Hospital Research Centre
pierre pluye
mcgill university
John Orlowski
McGill University
Benjamin Haibe-Kains
University Health Network
Natasha Mercier
Institut de recherche de l’hôpital d’Ottawa
Martin Guimond
Université de Montréal
Benoit Arsenault
Université Laval
Andrea LeBlanc
McGill University
Hans-Joachim Wieden
University of Lethbridge
Joshua Regal
University of British Columbia
Steffany Bennett
University of Ottawa
Xining Yang
University of British Columbia
Léa Garneau
Université Laval
Vuk Stambolic
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre/University of Toronto
Benicio Frey
Associate Professor, McMaster University
Shanti Rojas-Sutterlin
Natalie Le Sage
Université Laval
Marie Elliot
McMaster University
Adam MacNeil
Brock University
Marc Roig
Brigitte Kieffer
McGill Douglas
Siham Sabri
McGill University, RI-MUHC
Kevin Bennewith
BC Cancer Agency
David Clarke
Simon Fraser University
Jennifer Grants
University of British Columbia
S.R. Wayne Chen
University of Calgary
Craig Brown
University of Victoria
Peng Huang
University of Calgary
Sarah Childs
Unviersity of Calgary
Carolyn Cummins
University of Toronto
Marlene Oeffinger
Tim Shutt
University of Calgary
Antonio Nanci
Deborah Da Costa
McGill University
Connie Krawczyk
McGill University
Alexander of Hadjis
University of Ottawa
Mark Loeb
McMaster University
Joanne Lemieux
University of Alberta
Gary Bader
University of Toronto
Margaret Fahnestock
McMaster University
Simon Berthelot
Assistant Professor, Université Laval
Jessica Grahn
University of Western Ontario
Chris Maxwell
Jan K. Rainey
Dalhousie University
Louis Dacquay
University of Ottawa
Peter Stogios
University of Toronto
John E Burke
University of Victoria
Lesley MacNeil
McMaster University
Jackie Vogel
McGill University
Jurgen Sygusch
Université de Montréal
Fergil Mills
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ridha Joober
Janis Cardy
Western University
Martin Bisaillon
Université de Sherbrooke
Reinhart Reithmeier
University of Toronto
Lise Carle
Retraitée de la fonction publique fédérale
Cezar Khursigara
University of Guelph
Jing Wang
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute/Uottawa
John G. Howland
University of Saskatchewan
Tak Pan Wong
Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Rithwik Ramachandran
University of Western Ontario
Lynne Quarmby
Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Simon Fraser University
George Thanassoulis
McGill University
Sarah Hughes
University of Alberta
Patrice Brassard
Université Laval
Charu Kaushic
McMaster University
Jimmy Dikeakos
Western University
Roberto Botelho
Ryerson University
Grandvaux Nathalie
Université de Montréal
Amy Ramsey
University of Toronto
Thomas Durcan
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
Lewis E Kay
University of Toronto
Janet Hill
University of Saskatchewan
Wafaa Antonious
Rofail Conference and Management Services
Natasha Chang
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Adam Peter Langenstein
Simon Fraser University
Andrew Pawlowski
McMaster University
Carl G dear Boer
PDF, Broad Institute
Frances Sharom
University of Guelph
Troy Baldwin
University of Alberta
Anne-Kristina Arnold
Simon Fraser University
Sylvie Lesage
Université de Montréal
Marie-Claude Sincennes
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Stephen Gee
University of Ottawa
Patrick Martone
Natalie Prowse
Master’s Degree Candidate, Neuroscience, Carleton University
Avril Mansfield
University Health Network
Julie St-Pierre
McGill Universiy
Natasha Mhatre
University of Toronto at Scarborough
Daniel Rajotte Ph.D.
Industrie Pharmaceutique – Canada
Nathalie Labrecque
Université de Montréal
Holly Witteman
Université Laval
Don Moerman
Department of Zoology, UBC
Brad Hoffman
Julie Claycomb
University of Toronto
Adeel Safdar
McMaster University
Lisa Porter
University of Windsor
Peeyush Lala
Professor, Dept of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Univ Western Ontario
Michael Gold
University of British Columbia
Thomas Chang
Patrick Lajoie
University of Western Ontario
David Kachaner
Université de Montréal
Jonathan Chevrier
Université McGill
Logan Donaldson
York University
Jaclyn Dee
University of British Columbia
Catherine Fichten
Jewish General Hospital – McGill Univerity
Gillian Dornan
University of Victoria
Jennifer Cobb
University of Calgary
Daniel Zenklusen
Université de Montréal
Nigel O’Neil
University of British Columbia
Mathilde Soulez
IRIC – Université de Montréal
Jean-Claude Labbé
Université de Montréal
Prem Ponka
McGill University
Alexander Palazzo
Department of Biochemistry, University of Toronto
Victor Jensen
Glen Pyle
University of Guelph
Chinten James Lim
Grace Y.S. Goh
University of British Columbia
Lynn Raymond
University of British Columbia
Andrew Wong
Trang Hoang
IRIC, Université de Montréal, Département de Pharmacologie, Faculé de Médecine
Judith Szapor
McGill Univeristy
Gergely Lukacs
McGill Univeristy
Jill Dosso Johnson
Sandrine Moreira
Université de Montréal
Paul Schnetkamp
University of Calgary
Stefan Taubert
Philippe Rousseau
Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Jewish General Hospital – Montreal
Ryan Russell
University of Ottawa
Gerard Wright
McMaster University
Elizabeth Rideout
University of British Columbia
Xiang-Jiao Yang
McGill University
Sukhbir Kaur
University of British Columbia
Jason Tanny
McGill university
Jacquetta Trasler
McGill University
Igor Stagljar
University of Toronto
Gerasimos J. Zaharatos
Lady Davis Institute, Jewish General Hospital & McGill University
Vincent Poitout
Université de Montréal
Thomas Duchaine
McGill University
Christopher Loewen
University of British Columbia
maithe arruda carvalho
University of Toronto Scarborough
Morgan Taschuk
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
Maurice Chacron
McGill University
Sam Livingston
University of British Columbia
Christian Rocheleau
McGill University
Matilde Balbi
Michael Witcher
McGill U.
James Stewart
Alumni of Simon Fraser University and University of Waterloo
Jun-Li Liu
McGill University
Canadian Women in STEM
Canadian Not for profit organization serving CDN Women in STEM
Nicole Beauchemin
McGill University
Edan Foley
University of Alberta
Ravi S. Menon
The University of Western Ontario
Mark Goldberg
Dr. Paola Marignani
Dalhousie University
Xin Li
University of British Columbia
Deanna MacNeil
McGill University
Weihong Song
The University of British Columbia
Jean Vacher
IRCM/Université de Montréal
- Lynne Howell
University of Toronto/Hospital for Sick Children
Louis Lapierre
Brown University
Alexander Beristain
Phyllis Zelkowitz
McGill University
Naznin Virji-Babul
University of British Columbia
Patrick McDonald, Professor of Immunology
Université de Sherbrooke
Kiran K. Soma
Professor, UBC-Vancouver
Christine Kondratev
Simon Fraser University
Carolyn Ells
McGill University
Rosemary Beth Cornell
Simon Fraser University
Lynne-Marie Postovit
University of Alberta
Tsz wai chu
University of Montreal
Nicholas K Dulvy
Simon Fraser University
Camila Londono
Formerly University of Toronto
Tsz wai chu
University of Montreal
Camila Londono
Formerly University of Toronto
Patrick Moynihan
University of Birmingham
Kalle Gehring
McGill University
Marie Trudel
IRCM – Université de Montréal
Paul Clarke
McGill University
Marco Leyton
McGill University
Université de Montréal
Eileen K Hutton
McMaster University
Michael Coughtrie
University of British Columbia
Nathalie Berube
Associate Professor, Western University
Deborah Sloboda
McMaster University
Dr. Maxime Bouchard
McGill University
Michael Downey
University of Ottawa
Christian Kastrup
University of British Columbia
Arnim Pause
McGill University
Ben Blencowe
University of Toronto
Ulrich Tepass
University of Toronto
Hugh Bennett
McGill University
Ahilya N Sawh
McGill University
Jean-François Côté
IRCM-Université de Montréal
Eric A. Cohen
Montreal Clinical Research Institute
Charlotte Girondel
Université de Montréal
Josiane C.S. Mapplebeck
Hospital for Sick Children
Dipankar Sen
Simon Fraser University
Janusz Rak
McGill University
Bensun Fong
University of Ottawa Brain and Mind Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Chantal Autexier
McGill University
James Coulton
McGill University
Denis Cournoyer
McGill University
Gabriella Gobbi
McGill University
Dessi Loukov
McMaster University
Mathieu Ferron
Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
Dessi Loukov
McMaster University
Robert Funnell
McGill University
Nicole Francis
IRCM/University of Montreal
Dr. Mervyn Gornitsky
McGill University
Simon N Young, PhD
Department of Psychiatry, McGill University
Karine Normandin
IRIC-Université de Montréal
David Lindenbach
University of British Columbia
Dr. Mervyn Gornitsky
McGill University
L Patrick Schenck
McMaster University
Tiffany A. Timbers, Ph.D.
University of British Columbia
Shayda Swann
Simon Fraser University
Antonio Strafella
University of Toronto
Catharine Rankin
Psychology Dept, University of British Columbia
Suzanne Morin
McGill University
Dan Bernard
McGill University
Selena M. Sagan
McGill University
Corinne Maurice
McGill University
Adriana Suarez-Gonzalez
The University of British Columbia
Beverley R. Green
University of British Columbia
Martin J Richer
McGill University
Anik Giguère
Laval University
Charlis Raineki
University of British Columbia
Jerry Pelletier
McGill University
Koren Mann
McGill University/Lady Davis Institute
Gerhard Multhaup
Coby Viner
University of Toronto
Koren Mann
McGill University/Lady Davis Institute
Kristian Filion
McGill University
Rosalind Labow
Dept of Biochemistry
Karsten Steinhauer
McGill University
Kevin Schwartzman
McGill University
Guylain Boissonneault
Université de Sherbrooke
Brian Bennett
Queen’s University
Jose Miguel Celedon
University of British Columbia
Michel Alary
CHU de Québec – Université Laval
Juan Ausió
University of Victoria
Nicole Li-Jessen
McGill University
Andrea Globa
University of British Columbia
Ernesto Schiffrin
McGill University
Claire Brown
McGill University
Dr. Irah King
McGill University
Deborah Giaschi
University of British Columbia
Dr Benoit Cousineau
McGill University
Jesse Papenburg
McGill University Health Centre
Alain Frigon
Université de Sherbrooke
Esther Verheyen
Simon Fraser University
James McCain
Dalhousie University
stephane richard
McGill University
Miranda Meents
University of British Columbia
Perry Howard
University of Victoria
Lauren Griffith
McMaster University
France Légaré
Département de médecine familiale & médecine d’urgence Université Laval
Yichun Qiu
University of British Columbia
Douglas Hamilton
Associate Professor, Dentistry, University of Western Ontario
Malcolm R Sears
McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences
Michele Ardolino
Peter Chipman
RIKEN Brain Science Institute
Shalina S. Ousman, Ph.D
University of Calgary
Anthony Vecchiarelli
University of Michigan
Gary Shaw
University of Western Ontario
John Brumell
Hospital for Sick Children
Vivien Measday
University of British Columbia
Damien D’Amours
Université de Montréal
Emil F. Pai
University of Toronto/Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Ian Scott
The Hospital for Sick Children
Jessica Hill
University of Toronto
Ian Scott
The Hospital for Sick Children
Vivienne Lam
University of British Columbia
Jonathan Choy
Simon Fraser University
Deborah Zamble
University of Toronto
Jack Greenblatt
University of Toronto
Yoichiro Watanabe
University of British Columbia
Craig Smibert
University of Toronto
Graham Scott
McMaster University
Connie Leung
University of British Columbia
Siegfried Hekimi
McGill University
Walid A. Houry
University of Toronto, Department of Biochemistry, Department of Chemistry
Rodney DeKoter
Western University
Ziwei Ding
Simon Fraser University
Adam Ramzy
Timothy Beischlag
Simon Fraser University
Denis J. Dupré
Dalhousie University
Douglas L. Jones
Western University
Bharat Joshi
Michael Underhill
University of British Columbia
Douglas L. Jones
Western University
Susan Meakin
University of Western Ontario
Shawn Whitehead
The University of Western Ontario
Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology (Neuroscience) Western University
angus mcquibban
university of toronto
Dr. Tamara Bodnar
The University of British Columbia
Paula Foster
Robarts Research Institute
Eric Vaillancourt Jean
Université de Montréal
Frank Beier
University of Western Ontario
Derek Lobb
Obstetrics & Gynecology McMaster University
Dr. P.J. Devereaux
McMaster University
Calvin Yip
The University of British Columbia
Robert Screaton
Sunnybrook Research Institute and University of Toronto
Christian Naus
Sachdev Sidhu
University of Toronto
Ivan Robert Nabi
University of British Columbia
Sachdev Sidhu
University of Toronto
Katharine Goodwin
Princeton University
Ronald D. Cohn
The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto
Lucy Osborne
University of Toronto
Michael Silverman
Simon Fraser University
Xu-Dong Zhu
McMaster University
Joseph Bondy-Denomy
University of California, San Francisco
Graham Dellaire
Dalhousie University
Warren Lee
University Of Toronto And St. Michael’s Hospital
Julie Forman-Kay
Hospital for Sick Children/University of Toronto
Shari Baum
McGill University
Sherryl Bisgrove
Simon Fraser University
Myreille Larouche
Université de Montréal
Chris Nelson
University of Victoria
William Trimble
Hospital for Sick Children
Alba Guarne
McMaster University
Lawrence McIntosh
University of British Columbia
Trevor F Moraes
University of Toronto
Leah Cowen
University of Toronto
Claire Trottier
McGill University
Michael Rudnicki
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Erika Plettner
Simon Fraser University
Blake E. Butler
Research Scientist, University of Western Ontario
Simon Sharpe
The Hospital for Sick Children, Research Institute / University of Toronto
John McCormick
University of Western Ontario
Hymie Anisman
Carleton University
Alison Holloway
McMaster University
Lucas Busta
Brian Corneil
University of Western Ontario
Felix Breden
Simon Fraser University
Max Donelan
Simon Fraser University
Dr. Lucy McGarry
University of Western Ontario
Paul Gribble
University of Western Ontario
El Bachir Affar
Université de Montréal
Timothy Audas
Simon Fraser University
Robert Hogg
Simon Fraser University
Ivan Topisirovic
Lady Davis Institute
Illimar Altosaar
University of Ottawa
Brian Coombes
McMaster University
Carl D Richards
McMaster University
Orson L Moritz
University of British Columbia
Sam Doesburg
Simon Fraser University
Alex Ensminger
University of Toronto
ashani montgomery
simon fraser university
Bradley Doble
Assoc. Professor McMaster University
James Mahony
McMaster University
William Lockwood
University of British Columbia
Susan Meakin
Western University
Dr. Susanne Schmid
University of Western Ontario
Richard Robitaille
Université de Montréal
Haytham Mehsen
University of Montreal
Jeff Weiler, Phd
NSERC Post-doctoral fellow – University of Western Ontario
Sylvain Meloche
IRIC-Université de Montréal
Lisa Craig
Simon Fraser University
Edwin D Moore
University of British Columbia
Céline Aguer
Institut de recherche de l’Hôpital Montfort, Ottawa
Gerald W Zamponi
University of Calgary
Jamie Kathleen Scott, MD, PhD
Simon Fraser University
Harry Brumer
University of British Columbia
John White
McGill University
Esther Verheyen
Simon Fraser University
Andrew Simmonds
University of Alberta
James J Caron
Brent Derry
Hospital for Sick Children
Frank B. Ye
University of British Columbia
Cindi Morshead
University of Toronto
Nafisa M. Jadavji
Carleton University
Betty Zou
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Fred Berry
University of Alberta
Philipp Lange
University of British Columbia, Canada Research Chair
David Rose
University of Waterloo
Claude Perreault
Université de Montréal
Benjamin Martin
Justin R. Nodwell
University of Toronto
Aleixo Muise MD PhD
Hospital for Sick Children, Research Institute, University of Toronto
Alison Allan
Departments of Oncology and Anatomy & Cell Biology, University of Western Ontario
Sandeep Raha
McMaster University
Paul Walton
University of Western Ontario
Joerg Bohlmann
University of British Columbia
Mathieu Lupien
Université de Toronto
Liisa Galea
University of British Columbia
Daniel Figeys
University of Ottawa
Liisa Galea
University of British Columbia
Claudia Kleinman
McGill University
Jan Huizinga
McMaster University
Christopher N Boddy
Raad Nashmi
University of Victoria
Martine Raymond
Université de Montréal
Bernard Jasmin
University of Ottawa
Ali Salahpour
University of Toronto
Anthony R McIntosh
Univ of Toronto
Michael Hoffman
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre/University of Toronto
Bob Chow
University of Victoria
Patrick Nahirney
University of Victoria
Vincent Archambault
Université de Montréal
Joseph Casey
Professor, University of Alberta
Kem A Rogers
Professor and Chair, Anatomy and Cell Biology, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western U
Jonathan Dushoff
McMaster University
Joaquin Ortega
McMaster University
Christine Pratt
University of Ottawa
Ali A. Ashkar
McMaster University
Kenneth Lee Rosenthal
Prof. McMaster University
Roger Jacobs
McMaster University
Stephen G Withers
University of British Columbia
Brian Christie
University of Victoria
François Major
Université de Montréal
Mark W.C. Hatton
McMaster University
Alan Cohen
Université de Sherbrooke
Trevor Charles
University of Waterloo
Lara Boyd
Professor, University of British Columbia
Jackie Hudson
McMaster University
Dr. Mansour Haeryfar
Associate Professor, Western University, London, Ontario
Sung Ouk Kim
University of Western Ontario
Jacques Côté
université Laval
Iqbal Jaffer
McMaster University
Eric Brown
McMaster University
Bruce Milliken
McMaster University
Dawn ME Bowdish
McMaster University
Ram Mishra
mcmaster university
Pierre Lavigne
Université de Sherbrooke
Jack Gauldie
McMaster University and St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Mike Salter
SickKids Hospital/U. Toronto
Sébastien Rodrigue
Université de Sherbrooke
Jack Gauldie
McMaster University and St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
Simon Labbe
Université de Sherbrooke
Joe Mymryk
Western University
Michelle Kho
McMaster University
Mark Crowther
Professor, Head of Department, Pathology and Molecular Medicine, McMaster University
Hsien Seow
McMaster University
Meredith Vanstone
McMaster University
Dr Anne Holbrook
Department of Medicine, McMaster University
Stephane Lefrançois
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique
Catherine P. M. Hayward
Professor, Pathology and Molecular Medicine, and Medicine, McMaster University
Gabrielle Boulianne
The Hospital for Sick Children & University of Toronto
Susan Watt
McMaster University
David Heinrichs
University of Western Ontario
Jim Kronstad
University of British Columbia
Victoria Galea
McMaster University
Martin Stampfli
McMaster University
Geoffrey Hammond
The University of British Columbia
Ryan Van Lieshout
McMaster Unviersity
Matthew Miller
McMaster University
Dale W Laird
Western University
Ivan Sadowski
UBC Biochemistry
Peter C. Stirling
BC Cancer Research Centre
Jonathan Schertzer
McMaster University
Troy Harkness
University of Saskatchewan
Robert Peter Jankov
Hospital for Sick Children
Dr. Lori L. Burrows
McMaster University
Stephanie Borgland
University of Calgary
Leonard Foster
University of British Columbia
Roger McLeod
Dalhousie University
Daniel Durocher
The Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Michelle Scott
Université de Sherbrooke
Raymund Wellinger
Université de Sherbrooke
Michael D. Buschmann
Ecole Polytechnique
Jim Woodgett
Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Chris Whitfield
University of Guelph
Greg Fairn
St. Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto
Michael Hendricks
McGill University
Terry Hébert
McGill University
Phil Hieter
University of British Columbia
Thierry Alquier
Université de Montréal & CRCHUM
Christian Baron
Université de Montréal
Kristin Baetz