Félicitations aux gagnants des bourses de voyage de la SCBM 2023 pour le congrès 2023 à Ottawa.
Voici le nom des gagnants:
Name | Affilitation | Supervisor |
Mercy Akuma | University of Ottawa | Ryan Russell |
Bhuvan Anbalagan | Queen’s University | Maria Aristizabal |
Mohammed Ayan Chhipa | Toronto Metropolitan University | Sarah Sabatinos |
Angela Ching | Carleton University | Jenny Bruin |
Mayrene Horta Remedios | University of Calgary | Vanina Zaremberg |
Laurie Lee-Glover | University of Calgary | Tim Shutt |
Katie (Yu-Qian) Mao | University of Toronto | Walid Houry |
Reshma Nair | Montreal Heart Institute | Bruce Allen |
Fatemeh Rezaei | University of Ottawa | Jyh-Yeuan Lee |
Michael Salsaa | Dalhousie University | Gregory Fairn |
Diana Schwendener Forkel | Toronto Metropolitan University | Costin Antonescu |
Matthew Triolo | University of Ottawa | Mireille Khacho |
Purvi Trivedi | Dalhousie University | Barbara Karten |
Natasha Trzaskalski | University of Ottawa Heart Institute | Erin Mulvihill |
Mitali Uppal | University of Ottawa | Mary-Ellen Harper |