Recent news and opportunities from the CSMB
Grant writing with an EDI perspective
Did you miss the Grant writing with an EDI perspective webinar, with Imogen Coe? We are happy to announce that a recording of the event is available:
CSMB Meetings updates
64th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences
Registration is now open!
The 64th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) will be held virtually on June 14-17, 2021. The conference will focus on Protein Homeostasis, and it is with pleasure that we invite you to participate, based on your research in this field. We encourage the trainees in your laboratory to participate as well.
Keynote Speaker
David Ron, University of Cambridge
Invited Speakers
Ivan Dikic, University of Frankfurt
Julie Forman-Kay, Hospital For Sick Children
Judith Frydman, Stanford University
Kalle Gehring, McGill University
Sabine Gilch, University of Calgary
Gergely Lukacs, McGill University
Elizabeth Meiering, University of Waterloo
Claude Perreault, University of Montreal
Rina Rosenzweig, Weizmann Institute of Science
Peter St George-Hyslop, University of Toronto
Nobu Tokuriki, University of British Columbia
Invited Speaker: Mona Nemer, Chief Science Advisor of Canada
The Future of Science in Canada
For more information and registration :
Also, follow PRinCE on twitter for updates on the meeting
Super excited about our upcoming @CSMB_SCBM online meeting on Protein Homeostasis 🔬 🧬 🦠 🧪 Submit an abstract for a chance to be selected for a short talk
— PRinCE (@CdnProteostasis) March 6, 2021
Life Sciences Career Expo
Follow LCSE on twitter for all the latest updates:
The LSCE is a virtual, national, multi-day careers conference designed to bring together students and postdoctoral fellows with educators, researchers, industry partners and government stakeholders. These professionals have a shared common interest to educate the next generation of trainees about diverse careers.
The Life Sciences Career Expo 2021 will take place in a span of three weeks in May 2021, virtually.
All the information available on the LSCE website:
Check out the recording of the info session held in February 2021
Recent events and publications
Voice and Agency: Women in Science, Health and Policy
CSMB President Dr. Imogen R. Coe moderated a national prestigious panel for Canadian Science Policy Centre for International Women’s Day 2021, which took place on March 5, 2021:
Event description
The 2021 International Women’s Day is taking place during a global pandemic which has very clearly demonstrated and further entrenched the well known gender inequities that exist in society, in science, in academia, in medicine and in policy. These inequities are further amplified when viewed through an intersectional lens. As we look ahead to a time when the pandemic is behind us, what lessons can we take from our COVID19 experience when we consider building a more equitable science, health and policy in the future.
Dosage-Controlled Intracellular Delivery Mediated by Acoustofluidics for Lab on a Chip Applications!divAbstract
Invitation to participate in a survey on data visualization
Subject: invitation to participate in research on data visualization
Graduate student Ashley Irwin and her supervisor, Dr. Roslyn Dakin, at Carleton University, invite you to participate in a research study investigating how scientists interpret data visualizations.
This study is a brief multiple-choice survey that takes 1-2 minutes to complete. There are no risks associated with participating in this survey. If you complete the survey, you may choose to enter a draw to win a $40 Amazon gift card by providing your email. The winner will be selected randomly when the survey closes on March 31, 2021. Email addresses will be used only for the draw, and will be deleted after the draw is complete. Entry in the draw is optional and you may choose to participate in the survey without entering the draw.
If you wish to participate in the study, please click the link below before the survey closes on March 31, 2021:
This research has been cleared by Carleton University Research Ethics Board-B (CUREB-B Clearance #114980). Should you have any ethical concerns with this study, please contact the Carleton University Research Ethics Board ( For all other questions about the research, please contact them at the email below.
Ashley Irwin & Dr. Roslyn Dakin
Department of Biology
Carleton University
Recent job postings
- 2021 – 03 – 04 Instructor (Biochemistry) at Dalhousie University
- 2021 – 02 – 11 Assistant Professor Teaching Stream in Animal Physiology – York University
- 2021 – 02 – 11 Contractually Limited Appointment in Immunology – York University
- 2021 – 02 – 08 Faculty Position – Molecular Microbiology, University of Victoria
- 2021 – 02 – 08 Tenure track faculty positions in the department of microbiology and infectious diseases – Université de Sherbrooke
- 2021 – 01 – 21 RNA Innovation NSERC CREATE Program
Check out more job advertisements here:
Multiple opportunities available through the IUBMB
The proposal deadline for the 2027 IUBMB Congress is MARCH 31st, 2021
All fellowships deadline: April 1, 2021
- IUBMB Wood-Whelan Fellowships: Supports up to 4 months in a lab and up to a maximum of US $4,000 for travel expenses
- IUBMB Mid-Career Fellowships: Supports up to 2 months in a lab and up to a maximum of US $5,000 for travel expenses
- IUBMB Tang Education Fellowships: Supports educators visiting another institution to either advise/teach or learn
- IUBMB Travel Fellowships: Supports biochemistry and molecular biology trainees such as graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
April 1 application deadlines for:
- IUBMB Advanced Schools
- IUBMB Educational Activities
More IUBMB news and opportunities in the March 2021 IUBMB newsletter:
Don’t forget to renew your CSMB membership
- Opportunities to participate in advocacy initiatives
- Discounted registration fees for CSMB-sponsored conferences.
- Discounted student, fellows and emeritus memberships
- Student and Fellow career support
- Opportunity to publish in the peer-reviewed official journals of the CSMB Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Genome
- Free advertisement on the CSMB website: Graduate student, postdoctoral fellow and faculty job postings
- CSMB Publication: The CSMB Bulletin
- Eligibility to CSMB Awards and Prizes
- New Investigator Award
- Senior Investigator Award
- Jeanne Manery Fisher Memorial Lectureship
- CSMB Arthur Wynne Gold Medal
- Travel Awards (grad/PDF)
- Poster Prizes (grad/PDF)
- CSMB is an environmentally conscious society – your membership fees help us buy carbon offsets for invited speakers and board meeting attendees.
- CSMB is a member of the IUBMB, and our members can apply for IUBMB fellowships