JournĂ©e Scientifique des Ătudiants du Centre de
Recherche sur le Cancer
Axe Oncologie du CHU de Québec
l’UniversitĂ© Laval
19 et 20 août 2015
Correspondent : Claire Dziengelewski , Ph. D Candidate
La 20Ăšme Ă©dition de la JournĂ©e Scientifique des Ătudiants (JSE) du Centre de Recherche sur le Cancer de QuĂ©bec et lâAxe Oncologie du CHU de QuĂ©bec sâest dĂ©roulĂ©e les 18 et 19 aoĂ»t dernier au Centre de Recherche sur le Cancer de lâUniversitĂ© Laval. OrganisĂ©e par les Ă©tudiants du Centre de Recherche, cette journĂ©e a rassemblĂ© environ 150 participants provenant des diverses Ă©quipes de recherche en cancĂ©rologie fondamentale et clinique, en radio-oncologie ainsi quâen nĂ©phrologie. Plus de 110 stagiaires de premier cycle, Ă©tudiants diplĂŽmĂ©s, professionnels de recherche et stagiaires post-doctoraux ont profitĂ© de lâoccasion pour prĂ©senter leurs travaux de recherche par un exposĂ© oral ou sous forme dâaffiche. Cette participation record fait de cette 20Ăšme Ă©dition une des plus rĂ©ussie des derniĂšres annĂ©es. Les meilleures prĂ©sentations ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©compensĂ©es par lâoctroi de plus de 9000$ en bourses de congrĂšs et de 2000$ en prix.
Chaque annĂ©e, les Ă©tudiants invitent pour lâĂ©vĂšnement un ou plusieurs chercheurs de renommĂ©e internationale qui prĂ©sentent leurs travaux. Pour la 20Ăšme Ă©dition, nous avons eu le plaisir dâaccueillir les Dr. Pierre Thibault de lâUniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al et Dr. Jerry Battista de lâUniversity of Western Ontario. Ils ont prĂ©sentĂ© leurs travaux de recherche portant sur la dynamique des modifications post-traductionnelles des protĂ©ines, et sur les dangers potentiels dus aux radiations lors dâun Ă©ventuel voyage vers Mars, respectivement. Ces deux confĂ©rences de trĂšs grande qualitĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© apprĂ©ciĂ©es Ă la fois par les Ă©tudiants des diffĂ©rents axes de recherche, mais Ă©galement par les chercheurs. La disponibilitĂ© et la facilitĂ© dâapproche des confĂ©renciers ont aussi Ă©tĂ© soulignĂ©es par les Ă©tudiants.
Le comitĂ© organisateur tient Ă remercier la SociĂ©tĂ© Canadienne pour les Biosciences MolĂ©culaires pour sa contribution financiĂšre Ă lâorganisation de cette JournĂ©e qui est sans aucun doute la plus importante dans notre Centre de Recherche.
James Lepock Memorial (JLM) Student SymposiumÂ
Department of Medical Biophysics (MBP)Â
University of Toronto
July 8th, 2015
Correspondent : Deborah Ng, PhD Student
A) The overall theme of the activity
The goal of the JLM Symposium is to offer a forum for graduate students in the Department of Medical Biophysics to come together and discuss latest technology and research in our varied affiliated institutes, including Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Ontario Institute of Cancer Research, SickKids Hospital, Sunnybrook Health Science Centre, Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute, and Donnelly Centre. The day consisted of 2 keynote talks, 2 poster sessions, and oral presentations by MSc and PhD students.
B) The organizing or sponsoring group of students/trainees
The JLM Symposium is organized by students in the Medical Biophysics Graduate Student Association.
C) Location of the event
The event took place in the Medical Science Building at the University of Toronto.
D) Roughly how many people participated/benefited
Approximately 150 graduate students, post-docs, research technicians and faculty participated.
E) Any special features, such as major invited speakers, special sessions linked to the event, etc.
This year, our event featured keynote talks by Dr. Stuart Foster, Senior Scientist at the Sunnybrook Research Institute and Dr. Andras Nagy, Senior Investigator at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute.
9th Canadian Association for Neuroscience Meeting
May 24 -27 2015
Correspondent: Kathryn Post, Graduate Student
Vins et Fromages
lâAssociation Ă©tudiante de lâInstitut de Recherches Cliniques de MontrĂ©al (IRCM)
lâUniversitĂ© de MontrĂ©al
Correspondence: Maëva Luxey et Audrey Pelletier
The 11th Annual CBS Graduate Student Symposium
The University of Guelph
April 23, 2015
Correspondence: Lily Nasanovsky
What:Â The College of Biological Sciences Graduate Student Symposium is a student run event that aims to encourage scientific communication between students,research fellows and professors within the three departments of Molecular and Cellular Biology,Integrative Biology and Human Health and Nutritional Sciences.
Where:Â The University of Guelph.
Who:Â We had approximately 200 registrants consisting ofgraduate students, post doctoral fellows, lab technicians, labcoordinators and professors.
Features:Â The event featured a keynote address by Dr. Kevin Kain(University of Toronto), Canada Research Chair in MolecularParasitology. He spoke on characterizing host-parasiteinteractions responsible for major global infectious diseasethreats, such as malaria and HIV. The symposium showcasedgraduate student research across the college with 48 studentoral presentations and 42 student posters. The day also featuredan afternoon wine and cheese social.
Organizing Committee
Shawn Beaudette | Alison Berezuk | Jennifer Bernard |
Danve Castroverde | Joe Fiorino | Liz Johnston |
Dita Moravek | Lily Nasanovsky | Jessica Ralston |
Elyse Roach | Veronique Taylor | Glen Van Der Kraak |
Karen White | Mike Wright | Derek Zwambag |